Aug 12, 2014 17:40
With all the conversation on Robin Williams, I keep seeing people post "He found a permanent solution to a temporary problem". Its NOT a TEMPORARY problem for those of us who live with it. For many depression is not temporary, it does not pass within a few days, weeks, months or years. Its a lifelong struggle. How to explain to these people how many times we have contemplated suicide. Looking for that one thing that will allow us to go on. Looking for help, answers, hope. Its a struggle on a hourly, daily, weekly basis.
I am one of those for whom medication does not work. I have tried most everything out there at one time or another, and it did not work for me. Usually not only did it not work but I had major side effects too. There is no magic pill to allow me to handle daily life. To meet me, most think I have things under control. I am happy, well liked (well it seems at least), and in a good place. Few know that I have fought and still do fight depression. I am actually diagnosed manic depressive, but that is neither here nor there.
I do not plan to detail my struggle, I am not a public person. Suffice to say I have contemplated suicide more than once. Many many many times I have not gone through with it because I have my dogs who depend on me. If it was not for them, I doubt I would still be here.
There are so many issues people deal with on a daily basis. I cannot understand trite responses to any of them.