Thoughts about the Doctor Who Xmas Special
1. Wow Amy and Rory. Honey moon sweet huh? Got a thing for Cops Rory? And we already know Amy does like a good Roman. Lol.
2. This planet has quite a cyberpunk feel, I must say. It's pretty cool actually. Captures the setting of the 1800's Christmas Carol and the tech and dynamic of the future in a mish-mosh. Love it.
2.5. The doctor came down a chimney. Period. Awesome
3. Perfect casting for the role of Kazran. Michael Gambon did a great job.
4. Ha. The doctor, a baby sitter? THE PSYCHIC PAPER SHORTED OUT!
5. Love the fish. Clever idea.
6. How does the doctor keep finding himself in these situations. Stop showing off to the girls Doctor! I mean really, how many wives do you have? ( this one didn't even offer him coco)
7. Abigail was a beautiful character and loved her role in this story.
8. PARADOX- Steve Moffat, please stop doing this. We learned from past writing that you can not hug a younger version of yourself. REAPERS MAN. I mean, come on!
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I have no idea what to think about next season, but this was quite good.
Tell me what you think in the comments. ^_^