May 23, 2007 00:37
After watching the new Transformers trailer I really want to see this movie. I know, I know, Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf but that trailer made it look like a good mindless action movie. I also have this thing for Transformers that fills me with childlike glee at times, like for instance when they made a Megatron figure that was actually a gun for a change instead of the other bullshit that I had to put up with as a child. Megatron is not a fucking tank, he is a gun and I don't care what series or action figure set it is, the robot turns into a fucking squeeze me and I make bad people go away gun. So here's to hoping I can still get some enjoyment out of this movie when it comes out and that it does not fill me full of anger and rage, to name a few emotions.
I need to go watch some G1 Transformers.