the felice brothers at utopia sound stage wdst 5-17-2011

May 22, 2011 11:27

I had to look to see whether I had mentioned The Felice Brothers concert that I got to see the other night (Tuesday the 17th of May woo~) because it's so rare that I post in here anymore, right? What had happened was WDST had a contest on Facebook for a small audience to see The Felice Brothers at their studio. That in itself was pretty cool. I didn't own any albums by the band before that night, but I entered anyway. Bre entered everyone who was at the office at that point, and Kieran entered on her own. About a week or so later, Bre ended up with an e-mail inviting her to the concert. We all checked our e-mails and literally the whole office (except Tina, who hadn't been there the day we entered -but didn't want to go anyway; I still think she would have enjoyed that concert) was invited to the concert.
It was worth it.
I invited the douche of the house to come along because you were allowed to bring one guest. He ran into one of his friends there so we were hanging out by the dude and his girlfriend the whole night. (I think their names were Henry and Amy. She had the most adorable strawberry necklace, but she said it was heavy.) Our spot was pretty damn awesome because I could see the band from the side of the stage~ There were a few times when people decided to step in front of me but they moved really quickly. One of the most memorable lines during the concert was in regards to the DJ Jimmy Buff, who had MCed during their first visit to WDST. While they were waiting back stage, one of the interns entered their room and said, "Jimmy Buff says it's showtime." The guys apparently say that to one another before every show if they get nervous.
The show lasted for about an hour and they played a majority of songs off of their new record, Celebration Florida along with some older songs. I ended up buying the new CD and still can't pick a favorite song off of it. I've pretty much been listening non-stop ever since the concert. I love how the first song, "Fire at the Pageant" is about a zombie. One of the songs is about a Honda Civic (seriously,) another about a GYM in Catskill. Guitars, drums, keyboard, trumpets, accordion... just about the only thing missing was the cowbell. shot

If you're interesting in listening to the concert, WDST has it posted here on their webpage. It's about an hour long, but even if you just give a few songs a chance, it's worth it. Completely and absolutely worth it.

music, 2011, concert

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