living dead girl is a fun song.

Nov 20, 2010 20:21

I had to go back and see when I last posted. It's been a couple of weeks now, right? I've been trying to level this sucker out. I don't seem to post in LJ often anymore because I have so many wonderful pico moments.

My nanny/babysitter from when I was a young(er) girl passed away on November 6th. She literally knew that she had cancer about 3 weeks before she passed on. Her funeral was the following Saturday, the 13th. It was sad to see everyone that we had known so long ago in such a sad occasion.

Dad's birthday was the 12th. Bry and I went out to the mall one night so that we could get his present (a blue Sansa Clip, which he has not stopped listening to) and a gift card with 25$ on it for Sears. The night of his birthday we also managed to sneak to Mariner's and got dinner for him. I grabbed him Twin Brazilian Lobster Tails. It was so cool because he had absolutely no idea that any of that was happening.

Today was Wilma's 90th birthday Surprise Party. She had no idea that it was taking place at all and thought that she was merely going to eat with the Japanese who were being welcomed for the Picklefest. Dad and I went and sat with Sara, Tina, Bre, and SarahRose. The majority of time, dad was connected to his headphones. We had a great time though! It was so nice to see everyone, and Sara and I were playing with the duckies and filling them up with water. I brought the cow balloons home and Aria's been playing with them ever since.

Tomorrow is the Picklefest! Jenn is coming down from Albany and will be there with her sister, and Sara told me to text her with the time I'm going. Hopefully we'll all get to go at once. I had a book that I wanted to give to Jenn as a present but I've got no idea where the hell it is. Ugh, my room, seriously.
After the Picklefest is HANGING OUT WITH A PICO! ♥ I love him so much. And then, at 5, I get to see Anthony Bourdain! I am excited =)

Three day work week, then Thanksgiving, then Black Friday (heh heh heh heh heh I am crazy,) then NYC with Sara and her mom on Saturday the 27th. After that, it's gung ho, Holiday season!
This has turned out to be a busy month for me.

saturday, alex, boo, fun, anthony bourdain, 2010, sara

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