random entry, spur of the moment!

Oct 31, 2010 12:22

In light of two conventions I have been to this year, both having been in NJ, I have to say that I am honestly concerned by the fact that I enjoyed both of the NEXT conventions and will be attending animeNEXT, if not both, conventions again next year. I have found the NJ anime/mangaNEXT conventions to be the friendliest conventions out of the... few... that I've been to. I'm honestly not sure what the reason is but I'm happy to say this.
I've been sick with a cold this past week (IT MISSED MUSE, THANK THE GODS ABOVE) and ended up abusing it this weekend. Sophie had a going away/Halloween party where we danced and ate snacks and had a lot of fun. She and JB had invited a lot of people but it was nice to see us crew there. I wish we could do that more often, just get together and hang out. Hohum. Cass took me home and we had a nice talk in her car. She'll be moving soon herself, upstate.
I went to the convention yesterday, and while I had an awesome day, I was a bit upset at myself for going to another state while I had a cold. I had gotten little sleep these past few days (I had to finish sewing my cape and was up until 3 a.m. on Friday morning to finish it, then ended up not sleeping very well Friday into Saturday, for what reason I can't remember... or maybe it was the day before working on the cape. I can't remember now, ugh) and traveling on the bus was nice, but it wasn't the ideal bed. When I got home last night I can say that I was very happy to a) talk with Alex because I had missed him during the day and b) was happy to see my bed.
Today, Halloween, is my grandmother's birthday. Mom's working and I'm sick, so we definitely can't see her. That does make me sad. Hopefully we'll get to see her at some point.
Tuesday is election day and I am so ready for that. Think of it as a personal vendetta if you will, but there will be no tea party reactionary dickheads on my ballot. We'll also be attending a ceremonial tea party with Amy on Tuesday in the evening. Have to remember to dress warm. Sara has a party coming up on Friday that I'm excited for, too. Lots of dancing! And finally, to end my week of vacation, Sophie will be leaving to move to Colorado to live with Abby on Saturday. To be honest, I do hope things work out in Colorado. She'll be moving on with her life! It's a big jump from living in NY and I'm happy for her. There is, the fact, that I'm sad. She'll be so far away. We'll still be able to talk with her, and send her letters, and Facebook, you name it. It's not like it's the end forever.
I was telling Sara that I've come to the conclusion that even if everyone moves away, I don't think we'll ever all lose contact. Or rather, I don't want to lose contact with all of our friends. I do hope that when we can all afford to, we'll meet up again and take rides out to the overlook and hang out and have the most random dance parties ever. Or we'll sit up all night long and talk about what's going on.
I'm just being me again, no worries.
In lighter news, I was able to find Hibiki's Magic and 11th Cat volumes 2. HURRAY! Oh, and there was a group set up that I'm following on DeviantArt whom we had purchased stickers and such from at animeNEXT and the girl recognized me! I was flooooored. Erica Freidman had a panel all to herself this time and she talked about how the yuri industry is progressing (or not so much, but it's coming along further than it had previously.) I had been talking with Alex on the phone at one point during the convention and she and her wife had sat down beside me while we were talking about her (I had been telling Alex that she had walked past... then she was RIGHT THERE.) I did have a lot of fun at the con. I also have apple stuck in between my teeth and I can't get it out. Also, it just came out. And the mascot for mangaNEXT is a girl who is colored orange and THERE ARE LEAVES AND A PUNKIN ON THE BADGE. THAT MADE MY DAY! AUTUMN, squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


ew, manganext, sick, manga, 2010

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