Mar 07, 2010 22:28

PRESENTS FROM THE PICO! For Christmas AND my birthday AND Valentine's Day =) I feel like I'm forgetting 80 things, seriously. I've been procrastinating the worst so it's about time I get on this. I'm sorry for taking so long, Alex! ♥

He had these flowers delivered to work on Friday to embarrass me in front of everyone because he loves me to ensure that I would get them. So beautiful! I couldn't help but stare at them all day and blush.

Look at all the beautiful flowers!

Kitty liked the flowers too! ♥

Christmas 2009

My very fluffy Victoria's Secret robe! It's so comfy and warm~

My newest headband~ I absolutely love it! Pico is so amazing!

It is so shiny~

presents, valentines day, birthday, christmas 2009, 2010

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