
Sep 17, 2009 02:52

I hate taking a nap or falling asleep way too early, waking up in the middle of the night only to have trouble sleeping again through the night. It's really got to be the worst thing ever. Especially when I've got to be up to get ready for work at 7 in the morning. When I lie down, my heart pounds as if I'm supposed to be awake now, but when I'm up and I'm say, looking at the computer screen? my eyes are burning as though I should be asleep.
I don't know what to do to help myself fall back asleep again. Maybe I should get the ice gel thing for my eyes. Huh. Didn't think about that before I turned the computer on. That's really not a bad idea.

Okay, five minutes later and it's been in the freezer. Now let's see what happens.


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