sunny spring day

Apr 11, 2015 14:14

After a long run of gray, damp and cold days we finally have sun and more hints of color appear. My neighbors on the other side of my back fence are not into much more than an occasional moving of the lawn so bulbs have had a field day as it were.

Directly behind me is a lawn full of Scilla of some sort. I cannot get close enough to actually identify them. They are the reason for the blue haze you see. His gout weed moved into my yard which I don't like but the Scilla have yet to cross the fence line, sigh. I invited them you see.

Between him and the house north of him is a depression which I think was at one time a house. It flushes pale lavender with crocus. I don't know what kind but certainly a species crocus. There are just a few open today but I got a picture a few years ago.

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