Aug 13, 2012 12:54
I just caught my children playing in the litter box! They were using shovels to scoop litter all over the floor, so not cool. I really wanted to leave it for someone else to clean up but the cats might have taken advantage of the MOUNTAIN of litter on the floor, so I did the right thing and cleaned it up. *sighs* Being the responsible one is no fun!
I don't think I ever posted here, but my aunt has breast cancer. She had surgery to remove the lump and the tests showed that it had not spread. At first they didn't think she would have to do chemo, but now they are pretty sure she will. She goes to the doctor today or tomorrow to find. Something about the type of cancer is rare and doesn't respond well to one of the things they can do instead of chemo, so she won't be able to do that instead. After chemo is done, she will have radiation for 5 or 6 weeks. The type of cancer has a higher probability of coming back, but because of how small it was when they found it and some other tests, they said she only has a 15% chance of dying in the next 10 years. She said she would rather they said a 0% chance, but the doctor says their statistics just say who died, but it doesn't say if they died because of cancer or if a bus ran them over. He messed up at first and told her she had a 34% chance of dying, then he called her at home to say he had put the wrong information into his calculator and he apologized. I hope he doesn't do that often! The doctor wants to check to see if she has the gene that means cancer runs in the family, but she only wants to do it if her insurance will pay for it. No one else in the entire family (of blood relation) has had cancer so she doesn't think it's hereditary. Plus her daughter is freaked out so she is having her base line mammogram a couple of years early. Most of the women in our family live to be really really old, so you'd think if we had the gene it would have showed up before now, but you never know.
Alamanda's birthday parties were this weekend. She is now 15 and we took 4 of her friends to the park for a concert Saturday night, and Brittany got to take one of her friends. 2 of the girls spent the night Saturday night, then Sunday we had the family party. It was a joint party for Aly and my niece, but my niece was 2 hours late to her own party! Her dad was bringing her and their car broke down (less than 2 miles from our house). Instead of calling and telling us so we could come get the kids, he called a friend of his who was 30mins away, waited on him to come try and help him fix the car, and they were stuck on the side of the road for ever and ever! Logic has no home there. Everyone keeps asking if Aly is driving yet and then when we say no they start making up reasons why she isn't. No one cares about the truth, they just want to come up with their own reason. it is REALLY odd! And it's annoying people people who I have TOLD will ask me again and again, and I want to say "It's the same as the LAST time you asked me". She never studied for her written test, school started on her birthday, she has her black belt test next month which also has a written test that she has not studied for. She is doing homework and studying for her black belt test FIRST, and AFTER that is over she is going to start studying for her lerner's permit. She's fine with this. We talked about it before her birthday and gave her different options and this was the one she picked. It works out best because hubby wants her to wait to get her real license until she is 17 (apparently it's easier then), and your lerner's is only good for 2 years. So if she had gotten it the day of her birthday, she'd have to take her driving test ON her birthday and she'd have to pass it the first try. You have to make an appointment for the driving part of the test and this gives her more leeway for getting an appointment.
I kind of want to quit my other job. I don't DO anything. Which makes it stupid to quit. The new website contact I have with them is doing everything, so I got paid to do nothing. The last time they asked me to do something was May. I told her how to do something at the end of May, and I did something myself at the beginning of May. If they had ANY sense they would just fire me and keep the money. I always want to tell them that, but I never do. I mean.. it's easy money right now, lol. Of course when this person goes away and the NEXT person comes on, it will be someone who doesn't know how to do computers and it will be busy again, but for now I feel guilty taking their money. Although I think they are late paying me so maybe they did fire me and I don't know it, lol. I get paid every 3 months and I always lose track of it :p
We rearranged the house again. Aly moved into Parker's room, Brittany moved into Larkyn's room, and Parker and Larkyn moved upstairs into Brittany's old room. The dining room is a dining room again, and no longer Aly's room. The kitchen feels MUCH bigger again without the dining room table in it! Every now and then Larkyn asks for her old room back, but she does like being upstairs with Parker. They aren't taking naps as well as they did when they had their own rooms. They are doing a nap every other day for the most part. Although they haven't had one in 3 or 4 days, but we've had a weird weekend, too. I'm hoping they take a nap today but we shall see. My plan was for them to start school and come home from school at nap time, take a nap, and I'd have a whole day to get stuff done a few days a week! But it's not looking like it is going to go that way.
This coming weekend is my girls trip. Right now it's just me, my mom, and Dana. My mom is going to talk to my aunt once she goes to the doctor, and we might ask Crystal. But my aunt might start chemo this week and I don't know if she'd be up for a long car ride even if she doesn't. Crystal probably won't be able to get the time off work now, but I only found out yesterday that Dawn isn't going. So if anyone wants to come to the beach with us, come on down!