Jul 17, 2011 18:05
So, we went on vacation last week. Had a good time, but didn't get any rest. Parker woke up early in the morning. he shared a room with Larkyn so when he would wake up, we would hear him yelling "Larkyn! Wake up Larkyn!" He would also climb out of his playpen and get on her bed, then kick her on the head if she didn't wake up while he yelled "Wake up Larkyn!" He's such a joy to have around. One day they both found me where I was hiding in my bed, trying to relax and read. They climbed up on me and hugged me and loved me. Parker kept putting his head on me then jumping up and saying "Oh! What's that!" because his daddy was making noise. Then he'd plop back down on me. The last time he did it, he slammed his big fat hard head against my nose and OH MY GOD! I've never been hit in the nose before, but it freaking HURTS! I honestly thought he had broken my nose it hurt so bad, tears came to my eyes and I thought I was going to throw him across the room for a minute. He didn't intend to hurt me, but I made them both go away anyway :p My nose STILL hurts and I can't touch it. It's starting to bruise now. It's awful. Now I know if anyone ever tries to get me I should hit them really hard in the nose because it's one of the most painful things I've ever felt.
In better news, I am tan! I don't tan easily, I mostly burn and turn different shades of pink. THIS time, I got tan! I try not to let hubby get near me because if we put our arms side by side, I don't look very tan, but ALONE I really do look tan! I also can't stand by Larkyn or Parker because they are both crayola brown. Aly is excited because she says she is tan, but she's mostly less pale and slightly slightly pink, lol. BUT that is tan for HER! Hubby kept telling me that I was going to burn from being outside so much, but frequent breaks and sunscreen protected me this time, woohoo! Also our kids are weird. We went to the pool every morning then came inside for lunch. The babies went down for their 2-3 hour nap and the big kids started watching tv or playing nintendo or something. I'd ask if they wanted to go to the pool without babies and they'd say 'nah'. So half the week I wound up going back to the pool alone or with hubby after the babies were in bed. I read most of the time and am on the 3rd liveship book again. I'm enjoying it more this time, but I still don't think it's as great as everyone had claimed. I like Brashen more this time, but Wintrow and Reyn are still my favorites.
there was something else i was going to say but people keep coming in here to tell me dinner is ready :p