Mar 28, 2011 09:54
Hubby had to work Saturday morning because there was a 5K scheduled in the park. Work called him around 5am to say they had found a traveling meth lab at one of the local hotels. Some trucker dude makes meth in his truck and shoots up while he's driving all over the country, because THAT is safe! So he went in early, then went to the run when they had everything under control. He came home around 12:30, saw the babies for 30mins, had a quick lunch, then took the big girls to his grandfather's house to fix a leak. They've had a leak in their shower almost since they moved in. That Woman's son was going to fix it but he never did and never did (he's the one who installed the shower so he's the one who didn't do it right in the first place!). It took most of the day and it was almost bedtime when they got home. Sunday at 10 I had to drop him off at work because the IT guy needed to install new servers and stuff, and he hired hubby to help him. He got home a little after dinner time on Sunday. Today it's Monday so it's back to work! It's weird because if he ever works on the weekends we try and make a point of NOT having him work both days, but this weekend he did and I THINK he has something next weekend, too? He's getting excited because the IT guy is going to hire him to help out a lot more, and he's going to start teaching him how to do more stuff so he can get him to do more than help with installations. They also thought it was funny because when they went to replace the old equipment, 70% of the stuff they pulled out was plugged into a power outlet, but not connected to anything else! There were 3 routers that weren't routing anything, and a couple of servers that weren't connected to anything. They have no idea what the old IT guy was doing, and after they took out the old stuff and put in the new stuff, they were able to get rid of one giant wall shelf that was holding equipment. Nobody likes the old IT guy so anytime they find something weird he had done, they get excited, lol.
The girls are going to karate camp next week and Grand Master blahdblah is going to be there, woohoo! They are very excited, but we should probably find out what happened to our supply list so we can actually pack their crap, lol. We're also going to try and find somewhere for the babies to go Sat night, so we can be alooooone! I was going to go to my 3rd Body Attack! class at the gym today, but it was thundering and raining so we stayed home. Now it stopped raining, and it's too late to make it to class! It's still cold and it's supposed to storm all day, so I'm afraid if we DO go and just do regular gym stuff, it will be pouring when it's time to leave. This weather is messing up my plans! The teacher of the class was at the run on Sat, and she recognized hubby. He went with me on Thursday morning and he's been sore ever since. She laughed and said that just meant she did her job! At the time he said it was stupid so I find it HILARIOUS that he's been hurting since he woke up the next day :p
I think that's all i am going to babble about for now :p