Aug 18, 2008 08:25
Today is Alamanda's first day in Band. We forgot to get her music book over the weekend, DOH! Hopefully a lot of people forgot so she doesn't look bad, and the kid next to her has THEIR book so they can share, lol. I now have a NEW list of school supplies to get for this class, I hate school supplies. I swear I do not think I am exaggerating to say we have spent $200 on freaking school supplies so far this year. We've been in school ONE WEEK! Now I need to find a 'local music store' to get our book at (they were provided for us by the school when I was in band!), and also decide where we want to buy a flute from and who has the best prices but doesn't have crap merchandise.
I need to try and take Buffy to the vet today, but I dunno if that will happen. I tried to call them last week to make an appointment and they put me on hold and never came back :p I need an EARLY appointment because I have to go to the doctor this afternoon.
I want to run by Toys R Us cuz they have the sports pack for the Wii on sale for $10. We've been wanting to get it for the kids but didn't want to fork out the cash. Also want to check the new Babies R Us next door and see if they have my pattern in stock so I can get the extra sheet I want. Also want to see if they are two separate stores like they should be, or if they mashed them together and don't have the full range of merchandise, like I think they did.
Hubby is waiting on the animal people to come to work. They fished an alligator out of a neighborhood pond yesterday, and it had to spend the night in a cage at the police department. I don't think they fingerprinted it, though! I'm curious as to WHO exactly fished it out, I don't think I would want to be the one to do that. Animal control doesn't come for wild animals, only domestic, so they had to wait until today when some other animal people could come get it. This is the 2nd alligator in the past couple of weeks that has been found around here. Kind of odd.
Also had an odd moment while we were at the store yesterday. We took the kids to the mall so Aly could use the last gift card she got for her birthday. We had lunch, looked at some baby stuff, bought some books, came home. We were there for two hours. And it just about killed me. I wasn't sure I could last through the book store, but the kids really wanted to go so we went. When we were in line to check out I had to leave them. I thought I could just lean against a table for awhile, sometimes that helps, but it wasn't enough. I went into the back and sat on the bench, but when I started getting REALLY dizzy and my ears started ringing and my eyes wouldn't stay open, I called hubby on his phone to come get me. They wanted me to meet them at the front of the store but I couldn't stand up. He came back and helped me lie down on the bench (like a dork, lol) and I stayed there for a bit. The kids wanted him to go get the car so I wouldn't have to walk as far, but I didn't want him to leave me cuz I wasn't sure I could walk to the front of the store by myself. Eventually he helped me up an we sloooooowly went to the car. I'm glad he stayed with me because I almost didn't make it, which is just sooooooooo dumb because we HAD NOT DONE ANYTHING! lol, There is no reason I can't hang out at the mall for two flipping hours :p It's making me more nervous about going to the sale tomorrow. My dad is going with me, so that's good. If I DO need to go sit down, I'll have him there. But honestly I needed to be flat on my back yesterday, and there isn't anywhere to do that tomorrow. I felt almost like I did last time I passed out, but not exactly. I'm just glad I didn't pass out and I made it home. After spending a couple of hours in bed I felt better, so YAY!
But boo, because I want to be able to go out now and do whatever I want, because I know I won't be going out much once the little one comes :(