Of the last coupla days

Dec 27, 2004 16:14

Blah. And now, I type while sitting around, 'cause I've been put on hold by the cingular people. [sarcasm] Joy. Oh rapture. [/sarcasm] Hmph. Someone please shoot me. They're playing country music in the background. Why me? *sigh*

Let's see. Christmas day. I didn't do very much. We had a meat fondue, and enjoyed it. Last night... was more interesting. One of my insane friends came over, since she got off of work for whatever reason, and brought her copy of the 'Alumni Show' to show us, since we hadn't yet seen it. Gods. That was... like watching a group of preschoolers attempt to stage a production in some ways. Yeesh. ... Not going into that rant a second time. We sat around and made fun of it. It was rather amusing to listen to my brothers sit around and make fun of people they hadn't ever met, and then bash the director for picking people to sing solo numbers that really, really shouldn't have. When they both know and (sort of) love the director. Once we were done with that, the four of us lazed around yet more, and watched Eddie Izzard's 2000 New York performance. I believe it was titled 'Circle', but I'm not sure of that. If I'm in the mood to I might google it later. Right now I'm feeling too lazy to do even that.

Today, I got a card in the mail from shinigami62 ... ^_^!! YAY! I love it, hon! It is SO going on my wall, XD!

Plans for tonight: brothers are off at a dentist's appointment (poor chaps), and then after they get back we're driving down to New Jersey, and going out for dinner. It should be good. Mmm. Turkish food. My favorite cuisine out there, after Mom's cooking. By the time we get home I'm sure it'll be after 2200, not that it bothers me, but it'll be a long drive. The drive itself takes about an hour. Sometimes a little more if they're doing work on the Tappanzee Bridge or the Garden State Parkway. (Which is the NJ section of I-95, as I'm assuming you know.) Gods, I hope they're not. The after-Christmas traffic is gonna be bad enough without that in addition.

Urgh. Now the background music they're playing while keeping me on hold has changed to polka, or some weird, sorta bouncy/happy-ish thing that sounds kinda like a cross between 50s and 80s. *twitch* It's creeping me out just a bit as it drives me up the walls.

Yeesh. Thank the gods for LJ. I need something else to concentrate on to keep me sane. My call has already been dropped three times, and I've had to go through this damned rigmarole for a fourth time. Hmph, the music is slowly starting to give me a headache with the way it keeps fading in and out with the strength of the phone signal.

And the tea I made myself earlier has gotten cold. *pout* Everything has been seemingly conspiring to keep me from drinking it. First my dad demanding to know whether I'd managed to teach myself matrices yet, and then making me prove it to him, and now this mess with the phone provider. I'm tempted to go upstairs and stick my tea in the microwave, but just paranoid enough to feel like they'll pick up the moment I leave the phone... so I'm staying put, just 'cause that's the way my luck runs. The moment I give up on ever getting through and go off to do something in the meantime, I get through, but am not there to know it, so they hang up. It's annoying. Murphy's law and all that.

... There! Finally. Ok. So the phone plan is now cancelled, at last. It'll work til tomorrow, at least. Beyond that, I'm not sure. Whatever. I'm free of that damned thing. Now it's just a matter of getting me put on the family plan, which should (hopefully) not be a major problem. Oh... bloody hell. I just wasted an hour and a half on the phone trying to cancel my cell. what a pain. Damned 1-800 numbers. May they rot in the ninth circle of Dante's hell!

... So there. *nod*

I'll let y'all know about the details of my new cell whenever I find out myself. It'll prolly be a coupla days.

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