
Dec 24, 2012 13:12

Well, I tried typing this out once, and the internet ate my post. -_-;;

Life has been hectic but repetitive, so, not much worth writing home about. Experiments are finally cooperating properly, so once the new year rolls around, I'll have to see about spending those few days before classes start in the lab, working.

I'll be TAing again next semester, too. Which, in combination with the fact that my bossman wants me to graduate, come May, will mean all sorts of deadlines and general flailing. And, by extension, probably that my posts will be even rarer than they have been, what with the deadlines being about once every week.

But. In any case. To all those on my flist who celebrate it: a very happy Christmas!
To those that don't, enjoy the time off work, cavort, be with your families, or just do what makes you happy.

rl update, work, christmas, classes, research, school, ta-ing, lab, experiments, dissertation

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