still lurking

Oct 30, 2012 21:27

Things are progressing more or less as per usual.

-- Lots of work on my dissertation and labwork. First four chapters of the dissertation are now roughed out, and I need to get my synthesis working so that I can plan out my experiments and then start the final chapter/third journal paper.

-- I sent off my conference poster to be printed today (mostly so that I could force myself to stop nitpicking over the damned thing). And then followed up by going through the conference schedule to see what's when and what I'm interested in attending. Though I may have to see about getting one or two of the people I know to help me out, seeing that there are several occasions where there are a bunch of concurrent talks that I'm interested in. The money situation is a but FUBAR'd, though, annoyingly. I applied for student government money, but got waitlisted, and have yet to hear back from them as to whether I would get anything. And asking got me nowhere. And the moneies that were offered to me and my office mate in return for manning a booth at the conference has also yet to materialise. Annoyingly. So there're a bunch of issues there that need to be dealt with. Not to mention getting my suits cleaned and so on. Which I need to try to remember to do Friday or Monday. Note to self.

-- In all the brouhaha over the conference funding and whatnot, I've not had time to follow up on the masters degree thing. I ought to do that this week, if possible.

-- TAing is also not really that exciting at the moment. I don't really have anyone coming to my office hours, and going to class is mostly an exercise in tedium, given how many times I've seen the material...

-- I've finally decided on a costume for the Halloween party on Friday. And I'm planning to bring pumpkin pie.

-- I thought I had another bullet point, but I forgot what it was.

rl update, conference, work, swe12, classes, omfg busy, research, school, ta-ing, lab, *headdesk*, *sigh*, dissertation

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