(no subject)

Aug 10, 2012 10:45

So the poster session at the conference next week has finally been confirmed, timewise. And, irritatingly, it looks like I may have to stay for the whole conference, rather than just one day of the three. I'm supposed to set up at 10 am on Wednesday, and leave the poster up until noon on Friday. And there are only two actual half-hour poster sessions. Both are on Thursday, and take place between the scheduled talks.

I, personally, think this is a dumb way to arrange a poster session, but whatever. It's resume padding, if nothing else.

Otherwise, things proceed apace. I'm still working on my paper draft (meaning that most of what I'm doing is trying to wring as much information as possible out of my data), and trying to convince my next set of experiments to cooperate.

Oh, and they have me TAing again next semester, but I still have no idea for what class, and there are about two weeks left before the first day of classes. Argh. A little bit of prep time would be nice...

*sigh* Life as a grad student really makes me want to put my head through a wall sometimes. Granted, this is not one of those times, but I have a feeling there will probably be a few of them shortly.

ETA: 14:07
Okay, I take back the section on TAing. I've been assigned the same course as last semester, again. But with a different professor. One I've never properly met. Again. And rumours put down his teaching style as... well, eccentric. His availability also a bit erratic. So, not sure how this will pan out. :/

rl update, conference, work, paper writing, presentation, research, school, ta-ing, traveling, *headdesk*, *sigh*, travel, -_-;;;

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