Ugh. Today was an incredibly long day. Even though I had the chance to sleep in.
I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. My allergies were to the point of feeling like they were gluing my eyes shut every time I blinked. Not fun. And stayed that way all day. *sigh* And it's nowhere near the peak of pollen season. That won't happen til mid-March or thereabouts.
I have the sinking feeling that that's going to be *loads* of fun.
The day started off a bit off-kilter, in other words. And stayed that way.
Office hours were... well, minorly painful. I had three students come to see me, and all of them were asking questions that were either covered several times in class or incomprehensible. I have one guy that likes to come talk to me that has no idea what the words pronoun reference mean. *facepalm* It makes trying to figure out what in the holy motherfuck he's talking about very difficult. The others are just a bit clueless.
An hour into that two-hour block, I get an email from a student, cause I was copied on the one that went to the professor leading the course. Essentially implying that since the homework solutions were no longer posted I must have gone and taken them down intentionally. Which is so many levels of WTF that I don't even. I posted them the day after you asked for them, and sent out an email notice that they were up. You should have gone and downloaded them then, rather than wait til the day of the exam. Derp. Granted they did come unavailable one day too soon, because the website can go a bit wonky if it decides to. And it is subject to some whimsical moments.
But to imply that I'd take them down out of spite?
Holy shit. Just... what is this, I don't even. omfg RAGE.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Next time they ask for solutions, they won't get them. Not if I have to deal with this kind of bullshit.
I am reminded of the fact that I have a very low idiot tolerance.
After that mess was sorted out, office hours actually ran over time. Alost til the group meeting. Which the bossman didn't attend (why I have no idea, I didn't see him at all today. o.0;; ) so one of our Masters candidates could practice his talk. We have another one defending on Wednesday. Which I'll have to remember to make time to go see the talk. Group solidarity and all that.
The meeting ran over time too, so, since there's another group what has the meetingroom right after us, I sat down the presenter in my office to talk about the comments I had. Everyone else got to go through theirs, but I didn't get to.
At which point I was left with about 20 minutes of downtime until the exam I was going to have to help proctor.
Now, I don't really mind proctoring, but I got there, and then was informed on the spot that I'd have to go proctor separately for a student who gets extra time on account of Student Disability Services says so. Which I would also have been perfectly fine with. But he gets double time on a 1 hour 45 minute exam. Which starts at 6 pm. And that is painful. For all involved. All the moreso since I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Which was around 10am.
I wound up spending my proctoring time grading. And trying to organise my thoughts into a to do list. (That turned out to be a page long. And I mean a full 9x12 page.) I did manage to get through half of one more homework.
But with all of that, I didn't get home until 9:45 at night. And had zero motivation to keep grading.
I'll have to see if I can't do it tomorrow. Well, today, technically. Along with some more of the 9000+ things on my to-do list. Like the presentation I have to scrape together for Friday.
Gods help me.