Nov 10, 2011 00:03
So, I passed my quals.
I have my five signatures, and I now need one last one from the head of the department. And then I should be set as far as the paperwork side of things is concerned.
Man. I am wrung out.
I had wanted to take today and tomorrow off, but the way things worked out, I can't. Today I had to meet with the bossman and run paperwork errands. Tomorrow I'll be running few more if the same and then maybe seeing if one of my samples will work in a new technique I've never tried.
Then I have to dive back into running experiments come Monday.
But at this point I don't much care. I survived the grilling without being cut to pieces.
The next big things I have to deal with are finishing one paper and starting to draft the next.
Oh! and the 'rents have decided that they're taking me with them on their next cruise. I'm not entirely convinced, yet, that it's the scene for me, but they offer all sorts of opportunities to go diving that I would like to take advantage of. Which makes for a powerful lure, where I'm concerned. I'll have to pack my wetsuit and snorkel. And that part I'm excited for. I have a feeling I'll wind up taking far too many pictures, but that's a minor issue.
rl update,