Mar 10, 2011 20:28
What a long day. Today saw three experiments going at once. I wound up doing one activity test, and while that ran prepped one new sample for testing and made a second new one. Oh, and took a midterm in the middle.
All of which was complicated further by rain, my own klutziness (I spilled coffee down my front. Wearing a white t-shirt. On a cloudy/rainy/drizzly day.), my absentmindedness (forgot my calculator and had to go back for it making me late to the midterm), and general apathy relating to wishing it were spring break already.
Ugh, that midterm. Total of 8 questions. One on something that was mentioned tangentially in class and then never again. One with a typo that meant you ended up with a nonsensical answer. One on a topic we never explicitly covered. The rest were fairly easy. It was a bizarre mix of OMGWTF and Yay-I-get-this. I guess we'll see what happens.
One day left. I can get through tomorrow. I swear. Somehow...
Got to prep my second new sample for experiments and then go take pictures of it. And walk the undergrad through making a third new sample. And I have to remember to mix some chemicals for the lab I'm TAing.
The work never ends. *sigh* At least I've managed to tick a few things off my to-do list.
Another few things have added themselves, but they should all be fairly straightforward to deal with. I hope.
Oh, and I've heard that my abstract for the conference in Michigan in June got accepted. Whether that means I'm going, I have no idea yet. It depends on whether I get a poster or a talk. If it's just a poster, the bossman might opt not to send me. Which would be just fine by me. Less work.
But, in any case. I'm wandering off to write for a bit.
rl update,