So I promised myself I'd do the homework tonight that I've been putting off for what must be two and a half weeks now. What do I do instead? Tweak my thesis and search for references. So now I have to fight to find time to do the homework over the weekend at the last moment again. ^^;;; Oh well, at least it's not like I just wasted the time.
I swear, the last week and a half of stress and staying up til 3 am has fried my ability to prioritize to a crisp and chucked it out a fourth storey window.
And to make it all the better, my last committee member, who told me I could defend for him today didn't show. So now I have to fight to find him next week, which means the odds are good that I'll also have to fight with the grad school for an extension of their thesis submission deadline. Extenuating circumstances and all that.
Doable. But still. *sigh*
Oh, and the Ph.D. student I'm working with is going overseas starting almost immediately, cause her advisor forced her to change her timetable. Which means that the two papers we were going to write this month have to get done this weekend or early next week if at all possible.
I'm also getting the feeling that this is making less sense than my posts usually do. I feel... fragmented today. My mind is in about three places at once.
Oh, and I shouldn't forget to do my taxes, too. *facedesk* Ye gods, my to-do list these days is massive.
Stuff to do in the next few days:
- Read over the thesis one last time, then send it to the advisor so she can give me corrections
- meet with my Ph.D. friend and take some more data that the advisor wants me to get
- eat something
- meet with the Ph.D. again Saturday evening to work on the poster we are submitting for a mini school-wide conference coming up on April 18th
- put the new data in my thesis
- do homework !!!
- meet with my Ph.D. friend again and work on the papers we both want to write
- meet with the advisor at 0900
- meet with the college of engineering format check dude at 1030
- meet with the graduate school format check dude at 1530
- make whatever changes to the thesis
Sometime undefined in the near future:
- do FTIR, AFM, and TEM of the new samples
- try to track down the last committee member
- defend
- bring the necessary forms where they need to go
- turn in the thesis and associated paperwork to the grad school by 1700
- pass the fuck out
Non-school related:
- taxes
- pay off my loans
- find out dates for and fill out Ph.D. applications
- email the foreign schools about stuff and try to set up appointments
- think about what little thank yous I need to give to whom for all of the help people have given me this semester
- get the car's oil changed eventually
- get into the habit of cooking again
I'm pretty sure I'm also forgetting stuff. That's just the stuff I can remember off the top of my head. The last two months have been like this, and it's looking like the next one will be similar.
I really have to ask myself whether going into academia is worth it. Maybe I'd be better off just getting a job somewhere in industry. I'll have to sit down and think about it.