(no subject)

Apr 10, 2006 19:56

*sigh* The last couple of days have been frustrating. I have lost the ability to focus for more than five minutes. Or so it seems.

I got no studying done over the weekend, and it sucked, cause I ended up stressing over that a lot.

Lots of stuff went down. Not much if it horribly exciting, but it kept me occupied quite nicely.

Yesterday. Slept in til about 09:30, then got up, washed my hair, went to Bruff for breakfast, then worked on the Math Modeling paper for a while. Around noon, Scott called me, cause people were going for Thai food, and I spazzed and just ranted for a while. To him, not at him. And I really doubt he was expecting that, but he took it more or less in stride. Thank the gods. And, bless his heart, he took it on himself to help me track down Ashok and Chelsea, so I could stop stressing over the housing dilemma. Immediatealy after that, we acquired Hunter, then, while waiting for Ashok to show up, went and got Dave... since he wasn't responding to phone calls. *snort* The man was still abed, having only fallen asleep a few hours before... and it was circa 13:30 at that point. But he decided to go with us anyways. Then we sort of swept up Laura as well. So there ended up being eight of us: Scott, Wick, Hunter, Dave, Me, Laura, Ashok, and Whitney.

When we got to the Thai place, we found that it wasn't opening til 17:00, so we walked back up the street a ways and just ate at a different place instead. It was pretty good, but I now have no cash left. So I absolutely must remember to go to the ATM at some point soon.

Afterwards, Laura and I wandered back to my place, while the others trailed behind us, and she got the movie I'd snagged for her a while ago, and I got the random green feather boa she'd promised me during Mardi Gras. Helped Laura set up her Skype account while I was there, too. That was entertaining.

At about 16:00, I got a call from Hunter, on Dave's phone, asking me to help him study Japanese. So, I wound up making the run back to my room for my books, then back up to Dave's.

I watched him play Kingdom Hearts for a while, and beat it, and helped Hunter with his chemistry lab. And studied Japanese there for a while. Then Dave found out he had some reading to do of Kant's writings. Which lead to him reading it, and Hunter leading random philosophical discussion with Dave over metaphysics, and me listening, trying to keep my head from exploding, but enjoying it nonetheless, and actually managing to have something to say once or twice.

After this, I went back to alternately quizzing Hunter and skim-reading my Material Science textbook. Paging through two chapters and not retaining much of anything convinced me to give it up, and I set the book aside.

The rest of the evening was spent next to Dave. Mostly either giving him scritches, and watching, amused, as he melted.

I eventually left around 01:15, to go sleep, and that almost reluctantly. *headdesk* It scares me just how hard I'm falling for the man, and yet, I can't bring myself to try to stop. And he is clueless. I'm thinking I may have to try more drastic measures soon.


Today... *sigh* Started off with Erica having nightmares and screaming fits. ^^;;; She was really upset. I stayed with her and just tried to calm her down for a while, and then dragged her to Bruff with me for breakfast. Breakfast sucked, as per the usual. But there's a catch today. One of the girls from across the hall all but accused me of endangering Erica's life. I was pretty confused. It was just... odd. I'd like to think I know what the difference is between my suitemate having a nightmare and having a bad reaction to going out and ending up having a bad night because someone slipped something into her drink. *groan* I don't know what to make of it. And I have the sinking feeling that I'll catch a lot of shit for this from her in future, just cause I had the misfortune of being Erica's suitemate, and trying to talk her down out of a nightmare. Of the various people who came and knocked on the door, all of them wanted to call either the campus PD, or the campus EMS guys. Maybe they thought she was having a psychotic episode, or something, but just... no. *eyeroll* Come on. When you ask someone if they're alright, and they say they are... usually you can trust it. Especially if that person has never shown any sign before of not being able to gauge their well being accurately. Argh. Some people. I'm not quite sure how to handle this, but we shall see how the chips fall. I'm not going to stick my neck out.

Class was just as it always is. Quiz in Japanese went off without a hitch, and then I came back to my room to study, to find I still could not focus for more than a minute at a stretch. So I cleaned and did laundry. Which settled me for a bit. I got more done in the following hour and a half than I had in the last three days. It was depressing.

[ETA] 00:15

After a while I couldn't take it anymore, and just lay on my bed for a while, and Erica sat and did homework on my floor. We discussed various things, and I ended up randomly doing something of an emotional purge. It helped, though, in the long run.

So yeah. I waited to go to Briff for a snack until I'd calmed down somewhat, and then went to go eat around 18:15. Got food, though it wasn't much, and came back here. I did some more work, and then got call from Dave around 20:00, saying he was going for food. I wasn't too horribly hungry, at that point, but went and snacked again anyways. Just for the sake of being around Dave for a bit.

This must be said: *headdesk* Gods, I am so totally gone over him, it's not even funny. *headdesk^2*

Dinner/snack itself was entertaining, and then everyone went to hang out in Murray's room for a while and watch him play video games/watch random homestarrunner videos/sit around and talk. *snerk* That part was fun. I got to play with and annoy Dave for a good three and a half hours. Until ten minutes ago or so. Now, I'm just waiting for Erica to come back to the room from where she's been hiding out in the B-School, because someone apparently called the campus PD on her for some reason unknown to me. She texted me at about 22:45 that a certain aforementioned female someone had done so, but not why. So I'm waiting to hear from Erica about this latest aspect of this morning's yet-unfolding drama.

hanging out, *sigh*, dave

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