In keeping with the recent trend in my writings: another long entry about the last 24 hours... Enjoy

Mar 23, 2006 11:21

So... Math modeling: I practically slept through. Went to Bruff at 11:00 for an early lunch. Met with the group at 13:00 to discuss project; group met with Gaver at 13:30 to discuss project further, and code. Made photocopies of relevant stuff out of Keener and Sneyd. Arranged to meet Gaver again today at 13:00 with Annee. Came back to my room, derived the quasi-steady state non-dimensionalisation of the Michealis-Menten equilibrium model of enzyme kinetics. Which sounds really complicated, but was just some fancy algebra. Wrote it out neatly, for the purose of distributing during the presentation we have to make on Wednesday. *wince* Which I really don't want to think about just yet, cause I'll stress over it prematurely, and work myself up into such a case of nerves that I won't be able to do it. You'll see me flip out over this on Tuesday night, most likely. After finishing that derivation and write up I started the Material Science homework. Which is more like Mechanics of Materials right now, and therefore irritating, for Mechanics of Materials was the bane of my existence during sophomore year. Got about half of that done before going for dinner at 17:45, and then met with Annee again at 18:30 to tweak our Mathematica code, and make it consistent. And after that: fencing. *YAY* The turnout was really dissappointing, though. We had a total of 7 people show up. *sigh* So I only got to fence one bout. But it's ok, cause I was hurting and feeling vaguely sick anyways.

From there, I put my stuff in my room, and went to Bruff, without bothering to change. Ran into Hunter and Murray while I was there. They were munching during the intermission of an opera (The Barber of Seville), which was being performed in the original Italian in the campus auditorium. I ended up going with them to watch the second act, and was thoroughly amused by it. XD! I am now resolved to eventually find a way to see it in its entirety. But, yeah. We met Dave and Whitney there. Then, once the performance was over, we walked back outside to discover that it had gotten really frickin COLD and was raining. Ick.

We walked back to the dorm (well, Hunter made a dash, for it, but still) and I went to change, and then up to Dave's room. There were a number of people in there. Dave, Will, Hunter, Josh, Murray, Whitney, and myself, namely. We sat around and listened to music off Dave's computer from 'back when he was in middle school', as he put it. Ancient stuff, but catchy nonetheless. Eve6, Gorillaz, NOFX, and the like. It was fun. Three of us sort of traded off singing along to whichever songs we knew the lyrics to.

Later, around 23:15, Hunter decided he had to leave, and go study Japanese and work on his Chemistry lab. The rest of us sat around and talked, and listened to a bit more music.

That continued until about 02:00, when Will fell asleep and Josh and Murray left. Dave, Whitney and I just sort of sat around on his bed and traded stories of various sorts.

What I did that was kinda silly was to not actually leave until Dave went to bed. At about 04:45. ^^;;; *idiot* And at that point, I was asking myself whether it was worth it to go to bed, to get up again at 07:30.

Which it wasn't. But I did it anyways. ... Without having studied for my Japanese test, which was this morning. Which I somehow managed to ace anyways. Talk about a wtf moment. Feye and Hunter had studied, and didn't do very well, and I hadn't studied, at all... but aced it. o.0; Not sure what to make of this. Rather ironic, if you ask me.

But having to go to class after having thrown on literally the first clothes I could get my hands on at 07:45 this morning, and going to class at 08:00... was not fun. It totally messed with my head. But to make up for it, breakfast afterwards was actually decent. *shrug* It was like Bruff was trying to apologise for all the sucky breakfasts I've had, lately.

I ate with Hunter and Scott, and Randy showed up around 09:45, as is his wont. So breakfast was nice. Entertaining, to say the least. I got to hear things like a discussion about shoes. And me hitting Dave, but I don't remember that one verbatim, so I'm not even going to try to capture it here

Randy: ... sooo, I should get paid on Friday. And have money to spend on things.
Me: Like fencing gear?
Randy: I was thinking of things rather more alcoholic than that... though you do have a point.
Me: Randy~~ ... *sigh*
Randy: What?!
Me: Well, why not split the paycheck, then, and do both?
Randy: *shrug* *pause* I do need fencing shoes, though...
Hunter: Uhm... what are fencing shoes?
[insert 5-10 minute discussion about the types of soles you need for fencing, shot-put and discus... and then:]
Randy: Yeah, my track and field coach was my chemistry teacher, who was also a math geek, so I learned how to throw the discus in polar coordinates.
Me: *sweatdrop**disbelieveingstare*
Randy: Really. It was like: "Come on, arm, between 0 and 2π, you need to get longer." And then my teacher was all like, "That's wrong. Actually it's the velocity that's changing, not the length of your arm." "Well, what axes are you using?" "I didn't define them."

I was about dying. It was great.

But, around 10:30, Randy got summoned back to his room by Caroline, and Hunter left to go do his Chem lab. So, the party broke up. And I came back here intending to do work, but ended up writing this instead. Oh well. Hell, I've just wasted a full 50 minutes on this entry. ^^;; It's currently 12:09.

I'd better go be productive... much though I'm disinclined to do so. All I want right now is a nap.

[ETA:] 16:34

Material Science was boring, again, as has been the usual these days. It's all about how to pick your materials properly when designing things, and how to assess their suitability. *eyeroll* Been there, built that, got the tshirt. *sigh* At about 15:07, Scott called, and I didn't hear my phone go off, cause I was in class, and it was on vibrate. Then, again, as soon as I got out of class he calls me, and invites me to go see something at the theatre (I assume on campus) on Friday night. And he's already invited me to Karma (a party the Indian association is holding later that night). ^^;;;;; As of right now the play is a tentative yes, and I've already been conned into going to Karma. Ah well. It'll be an excuse to wear my new clothes.

Once I was off the phone with Scott, I went to Bruff to get food. I was hungry. The fare really kinda sucked, again, so I'm planning on going back again after Physiology. While I was eating, Dave randomly popped up out of nowhere, and decided to sit down with me. Which was fun, as usual. The man is just random.

I sat there and tried to re-derive the velocity equation for the competitive inhibition case of our enzyme kinetics model, and couldn't do it. Which really kinda got to me, 'cause I fucking well had the derivation from last semester in front of me, and couldn't seem to replicate it. -_-;;;; Grr. So I'm planning to try again later tonight, ... or perhaps tomorrow, given that I'm still operating on about two and a half hours of sleep. The mere fact that I can't add attests to how out of it I am right now. Yet I'm feeling oddly calm and mellow right now, despite the fact that I can't add... which is something that usually pisses me off beyond belief. *snort* I had it pointed out to me by Dave, at 'dinner' just under 20 minutes ago, that the difference in time between 05:00 and 07:30 is not one and a half, but two and a half hours. *headdesk* I've literally been walking around all day thinking that it was one and a half. >.< !!! Damnit.

In any case, I'm going to go do homework for a while, now, until my next class starts in 45 minutes.

Also: Apparently, there might be a Z'otz-run later. Not sure when, or with whom, but it's in the works, potentially.

hanging out, dave, xd, classes

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