... Ow.

Feb 28, 2006 09:42

Ok, I was so going to go to parades today, but it's just not going to work.

Went to bed at 00:30 this morning, and got back up again at 02:45, and followed Randy to his radio show. Then came back to campus got breakfast, and chilled with Randy, Caroline, and Danny. Danny left at 07:30 to go march in the parade. Randy went to sleep. Caroline suggested we see at 09:10 how she was feeling in terms of parading, and call her to make sure she was up.

So. I came back here, slept for a bit, called her. No answer. The next three also got no answer. I went down to see whether she was going to go, and found her semi-conscious in bed. Randy was out like a light. So we are not going to parades, cause I am not going by myself. I am going back to bed for a bit, too.

[ETA:] 16:37

I got a call from Stephanie around 1100, after some four other calls from various people (which, incidentally, kept me from doing more than just dozing), and we went downtown to see if we could catch either of the parades. That didn't work out, though I did get a few beads out of it. There were some four floats that we saw drive by, and that was it.

So we went and bought king cake. And split it between the two of us. And we are potentially going shoe shopping over the weekend. Because I need new sneakers. Badly.

Once we got back to campus, I went with Scott, Ashok, Chelsea, Wick, and Laura to get food. Ended up getting Mediterranean/Lebanese food. It was surprisingly decent. Afterwards they decided they wanted to go on to Walgreens for various miscellaneous items, and then for ice cream. But the ice cream place was closed. So we all went into Walgreens, and then returned here. I just got back from the food adventure a few minutes ago, and I'm planning on another (hopefully uninterrupted) nap before dinner.

hanging out

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