Didn't Forget You.

Jan 17, 2011 03:55

Title: Didn't Forget You.
Author: caiiwinchester  
Rating: PG-13 (I'm guessing here. Nothing hot and heavy).
Summary: You never really forget the people you knew before you got famous.
Pairing: Bryan Ryan/Will Schuester. 
Word Count: 479.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own these beautiful people, I just mould them to my needs.
Author's Notes: WHY did I decide to start writing this at stupid o'clock in the morning!? Unbeta'd, so all silly mistakes are mine. Spoilers for 'Dream On'. From Bryan's POV.

The applause was glorious. It ignited the passion in his soul that he thought had been lost long ago and replaced by bitterness. He’d almost forgotten why performing was so important to him until he was back on the stage. No…That wasn’t right. He hadn’t remembered until Will Schuester had walked back into his life and left a permanent - yet strangely not unwanted - blemish on his brain. Since the very moment he had performed that duet with Will, the other man had barely left his mind. And it was affecting him. So much so, that he could swear that he spotted a very familiar looking head of curly hair as he was leaving the stage.

Usually he was the first out of the stage door, more than willing to sign programmes and various other items for the patiently waiting fans. Tonight, however, was different. By the time he'd gotten outside, everyone had left.

Everyone except one curly-haired Glee coach.

"I knew I spotted you. What're you doing here?" He hadn't meant to make it sound like an accusing question, but he was more than a little surprised.

"You were brilliant up there."

His ego gained a substantial boost. "You think? You didn't come on my best night."

"Stop fishing for compliments, Bryan. I'm not here to feed your ego."

"Then what are you here for?"

What he hadn't expected to happen - except for maybe in his wildest dreams - was exactly what came next. He didn't quite know how to react when Will's lips pressed softly against his own. By the time his body had caught up to his brain and he was beginning to lean into the kiss, Will pulled back, leaving his lips agonizingly close.

"I have to get back to my hotel..."

"How long're you in town for?"

"A few days...I could always come back tomorrow?"

"I'll leave you a ticket on the door."

- - - -

He saw Will sitting in the front row the next night, smiling in that adorable way as he watched the musical number intently. It made his heart swell. He couldn't remember what he was singing about, but he didn't care. All he knew was that as he sustained the final note, he had sung every word for Will.

It wasn't until he left the theatre that night that he realised Will was his entire reason for performing, because when he saw the pride that shone from the other man's features, he knew that Will had planned this all along. He knew that Will had planned this from the moment he had ducked out and forfeited the role of Jean Valjean. He owed all the fame he had earned to Will and as they walked away from the theatre hand-in-hand, he knew he had the rest of his life to make it up to him.

slash, wryan, glee, fanfic, fanfiction, bryan ryan, will schuester

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