February/March Updates to Calfornia Highways

Mar 25, 2007 10:22

Well, they’re finally done. This round was a bear, with lots of legislative stuff to go through (the assembly and senate have been busy). I do recommend looking at some of the stuff I highlighted. I also got to go through all the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account stuff (Prop 1B).

Want to know more? Then...

It's been a busy time, and live theatre every weekend in February and March has left me little time to update California Highways. But I've set aside one day, so here are the updates...

First, I did the usual round of link updates, discovered from my monthly review of M.T.R. and a few mailed postings.

Next, I updated information on the following routes, based on my research(1), and contributions of information on leads (via direct mail or Usenet) from Gary Araki(2), David Arana(3), Scott en Aztlan(4), Concrete Bob(5), Timothy Edwards(6), Jon Enslin(7), Cameron Kaiser(8), Daniel Ketchum(9), Michael G. Koerner(10), Steve Lustro(11), Brandon Rock(12), and Sean Tongson(13):Route 22(4), Route 57(11), Route 65(10, 5), Route 71(6), Route 74(6), Route 85(1, 13), Route 90(6), Route 91(8), Route 92(3), Route 99(2), Route 130(1), Route 229(9), US 101(7), US 395(6), I-210(8), I-405(1), and LRN 14(12)

Updated the legislative information page. No bills of interest passed, but the legislature has been very, very busy. I do suggest that folks take a look at the bills I found of interest: some may surprise you. In particular, there were a large number of bills declaring the intent of the legislature to dictate the process of allocating money from the Prop 1B bonds. My guess is that the assemblycritters didn't like their districts being shortchanged, and are trying to hijack the process. A number of this bills seem to make non-substantive changes to laws. My guess is that these bills are placeholders for future gut-and-rewrites, as there is a particular date after which bills may no longer be introduced. All this teaches me is that we need to watch our elected officials carefully. I'm beginning to think that every bill should require inclusion of the proposer's real rationale behind submitting the bill.

I'll note that one non-transit bill of interest did pass:

  • SB 113 (Calderon) Elections: presidential primary elections.
    Existing law specifies that the presidential primary election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June in any year evenly divisible by the number 4. Existing law also specifies that the statewide direct primary election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of each even-numbered year, and be consolidated with the presidential primary election in any year in which the statewide direct primary election is in a year evenly divisible by the number 4. This bill would require that the presidential primary election be held on the first Tuesday in February in any year evenly divisible by the number 4. By increasing the duties on county elections officials due to the presidential primary election in February, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
    Chaptered 3/15/2007. Chapter 2.

Updated the statistics on the progress of the exit mile numbering. Thanks to Don Howe of Caltrans for this information.

Reviewed the January, February, and March CTC Agendas. Noted the following items for inclusion:

January 2007

  • 2.1c. Traffic Congestion Relief (TCR) Program Application Approvals/Amendments

    (2) The San Bernardino Associated Governments requests a TCRP Application Amendment to designate an additional implementing agency for R/W, and update the project schedule and funding plan for TCRP Project #59 - Route 10; Live Oak Canyon Interchange, including, but not limited to, the 14th Street Bridge over Wilson Creek, in the city of Yucaipa in San Bernardino County.

    (3) The Department requests a TCRP Application Amendment to transfer $16,300,000 in programmed TCRP funds from Project #62 - Route 91; Add HOV lanes through downtown Riverside, from Adams Street to University Avenue to Project #62.1 - Route 91; Add HOV lanes through downtown Riverside, from University Avenue to Route 60/91/215 Junction in Riverside County. The amendment also updates the project schedule and funding plan for both projects.

    (4) The Department requests a TCRP Application Amendment to redistribute $1,400,000 from PS&E to PA&ED and update the funding plan for TCRP Project #157 - Route 12; Congestion relief improvements from Route 29 to I-80 through Jamison Canyon.

  • 2.2c. Environmental Matters - Approval of Projects for Future Consideration of Funding, Route Adoption or New Public Road

    Approval of Project for Future Consideration of Funding: Route 99 in Tulare and Fresno Counties - Roadway Improvements near Kingsburg (ND).

  • 2.3c. Route Adoptions

    One Route Adoption for a Controlled Access Highway at 6-Ker-46 PM 0.0/29.9 (KP 0.0/48.1) on Route 46 in the county of Kern

  • 2.3c. Relinquishment Resolutions

    4-Son-101-PM 53.9/56.2 Route 101 in the county of Sonoma, between the Preston Overhead and the Mendocino County line, consisting of superseded highway right of way.

    8-Riv-91, 215-PM 21.2/21.7 and 42.6/43.9 (KP 34.1/34.9 and 68.6/70.6) Route 91 and I-215 in the city of Riverside along La Cadena Drive from Malta Place to Spruce Street and from Strong Street to Spring Garden Street, and a portion of Kansas Avenue between Roberta Street and Spruce Street, consisting of reconstructed and relocated city streets, frontage roads and cul-de-sacs.

    8-Riv-111-PM L27.88/L28.62 and 28.73/32.44 Route 111 in the city of Indio under terms and conditions determined to be in the best interest of the State. Authorized by Chapter 594, Statutes of 2005, which amended Section 411 of the Streets and Highways Code.

    11-SD-5-PM 30.9/31.1 (KP 49.7/50.03) Route 5 in the city of San Diego on Vista Sorrento Parkway, north of Sorrento Valley Boulevard, consisting of frontage road.

    11-SD-78-PM 5.9 Route 78 in the city of Vista, at Melrose Drive, consisting of reconstructed and relocated city streets.

  • 2.3d. Vacation Resolutions

    10-Cal-4-PM 26.6 Route 4 in the county of Calaveras, at Batten Road, consisting of right of way no longer needed for State highway purposes

  • 2.5c.(1) State Administered STIP Projects on the State Highway System

    #2: 04N-Mrn-101 9.7/12.7. In the city of San Rafael, on Route 101 from south of the Coleman School Pedestrian Overcrossing to North San Pedro Road Undercrossing. Construct High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Gap Closure.

    #3: 04N-SCl-152 R19.7/R21.3. Near Gilroy, on Route 152 from east of San Felipe Lane to west of Route 152/156 Junction. Construct an eastbound truck climbing lane with rumble strip.

    #4: 08S-SBd-215 4.1/10.1. In San Bernardino, from just north of Route 10 to the Route 210 Interchange. Construct High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV), mixed-flow lanes, and operational improvements.

February 2007
The February meetings dealt solely with the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account allocations. The Corridor Mobility Improvement Account is the Caltrans side of Prop 1B. This final recommendations affected the following routes:Route 1, Route 4, Route 12, Route 14, Route 22, Route 24, Route 28, Route 29, Route 32, Route 41, Route 44, Route 46, Route 49, Route 57, Route 58, Route 65, Route 78, Route 91, Route 108, Route 138, Route 156, Route 178, Route 180, Route 198, Route 219, Route 299, I-5, I-10, I-15, I-80, I-205, I-215, I-405, I-580, I-680, I-805, I-880, US 50, US 101, and US 395.Overall, the CTC recommended funding for 21 projects in the south and 29 projects in the north. With respect to the Trade Corridor Improvement Fund (TCIF), the CTC noted that although details are unknown, the Route 86 Brawley Bypass might be a good candidate for that fund. They also noted that some HOV projects on major interstate trade corridors, such as I-5, I-10, I-80, and I-580, might be candidates. They noted that the SHOPP program might also be a source of funding for projects such as Doyle Drive in San Francisco, the I-10/I-605 interchange, and Route 138.

March 2007

  • 2.2b. Environmental Matters - Comments on Documents in Circulation (Draft EIR)

    (1) Route 5 in Los Angeles County - Roadway improvements near Norwalk (EIR).

    (2) Route 70 in Plumas County - Replace bridge near Keddie (EIR).

    (3) Route 50 in Sacramento County - Construct bus/carpool lanes and community enhancements near the city of Sacramento (EIR).

  • 2.2c. Environmental Matters - Approval of Projects for Future Consideration of Funding, Route Adoption or New Public Road Connection (Final Negative Declaration or EIR)

    (1) Approval of Project for Future Consideration of Funding: Route 101 in Santa Barbara County - Roadway Improvements near Goleta (ND).

    (2) Approval of Project for Future Consideration of Funding: Route 1 in Monterey County - Roadway Improvements near Big Sur including a new bridge and rock shed.(EIR).

    (3) Approval of Project for Future Consideration of Funding: Route 99 in Merced County - Roadway improvements near Merced that will improve a 10.5 mile section of Route 99 from a four lane highway to a six lane expressway.(EIR).

  • 2.3c. Relinquishment Resolutions

    4-Son-101-PM 13.8 Route 101 in the City of Rohnert Park, at Rohnert Park Expressway, consisting of reconstructed city street.

    10-Ama-49-PM 10.2/10.9 (KP 16.4/17.5) Route 49 in the City of Amador City, consisting of superseded highway right of way.

    10-Ama-49-PM R7.0/9.0 (KP R11.3/14.5) Route 49 in the City of Sutter Creek, consisting of superseded highway right of way and reconstructed city street.

  • 2.5c.(1) State Administered STIP Projects on the State Highway System

    #4: 08S-SBd-215 4.1/10.1 In the city of San Bernardino, from south of Orange Show Road Overcrossing to south of Rialto Avenue. Widen freeway to accommodate HOV lane (Segment 3). (This project is split from the Route 215 Corridor Project PPNO 0247D.)

    #5: 10N-Ama-49 R7.0/R11.0. Near Martel, from Route 104 (Ridge Road) to south of Rancheria Creek. Relinquish Route 49.

    #6: 10N-Cal-4 R21.1/R23.4. In Angels Camp, from the north junction of Route 49 to east of Rolleri Bypass Road. Construct 2-lane expressway.

[Crossposted to cahwyguy and roadgeeks]


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