California Highway Headlines for January 2016

Feb 01, 2016 18:13

Ah, a new year. Let’s see what it has to bring in terms of highway news:
  • Transforming the end of the 2 Freeway could be the beginning of a new L.A.. Around the country, cities are demolishing stretches of highway, turning them into parks or boulevards. Los Angeles has an opportunity to do something even more dramatic: to close a piece of elevated freeway to traffic but keep it intact as a huge platform for new open space and housing. In a single gesture, the city could produce significant parkland and a monument to the ambition that produced the Southern California highway network in the first place. The stretch I have in mind is the stub end of the 2 Freeway as it bends south and west from Interstate 5 and dips into Silver Lake and Echo Park, two miles or so from downtown Los Angeles.
  • A List of Things That Spilled on SoCal Freeways in 2015. February 2: Frozen chicken, 10 Freeway. February 20: diesel fuel, 710 Freeway. …
  • Reconnected Route 66 in Cajon Pass may open soon. A part of the Interstate 15/215 interchange project that would reconnect a portion of old Route 66 in San Bernardino County, California, was slated to be finished by May. But a new report in the Victorville Daily Press indicates it will reopen early this year.

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