Today’s lunch-time news chum collection brings together stories about life and death:
- Somethings Die. A couple of weeks ago, we went to the Ahmanson Theatre to see the musical “Backbeat“ about the earliest days of the Beatles. In that musical, we learned about the Beatles first recording stint… as the backing band to a fellow named Tony Sheridan. Well, Mr. Sheridan just passed away at the age of 72.
- Somethings Are Just Too Stubborn. The news has been filled with stories of late about the death of Hotmail.Com and the birth of Outlook.Com. But some websites will never die, and PopWatch has a nice summary of a number of them. These include the SpaceJam website, the website for the movie “You’ve Got Mail“, Amanda Please, and what they refer to as a “primordial online journal”, our favorite journaling site, Livejournal!
- Somethings Remain To Haunt You. A fellow in Las Vegas has plans for a website to bring greetings from the dearly departed. Yup, this means you can’t even escape them when they die.
- Somethings Thrive on Freedom. One of my music loves is folk music, and one of my favorite sources of folk music is The Woodsongs Old Time Radio Hour, which has a regular weekly podcast. This show keeps growing and growing on a model of being FREE. The man behind it, Michael Jonathan, explains how the free model works to help Woodsongs, its volunteers, its facilities, and the city of Lexington KY thrive. This is all on a model of being FREE: free to attend, the artists work for free, the theatre is provided free to the program, the people on the program work for free - and yet all those involved gain from the transactions. [By the way, this ties to a meme going around FB about the importance of supporting the independent and live artists -- which we must do -- and which I do by attending live performances]
- Somethings Keep Going on and on. h/t to Andrew Ducker for finding an interesting link about a man who collects only White Albums, specifically, the “White Album” from the Beatles. So far, he has almost 700 copies, in all conditions, and is buying more. This made me curious about my copy (or perhaps copies, as I may have two copies, one purchased new by my brother) of the White Album; I’ll look when I get home to see if there is a serial number. And of course, continuing the circle, this ties directly to our first item and Tony Sheridan, who gave the Beatles their first recording and first look.
ETA: Last week I wrote about
the piano on the beach, slowly disintegrating.
Today’s news brings word that it has been cremated.
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