Livejournal Update

Nov 04, 2012 09:04

Note: As of this morning, I’ve updated the Livejournal Crossposter plugin on WordPress to crosspost to Dreamwidth instead of Livejournal. Dreamwidth will then crosspost to Livejournal. Yes, this means a longer footer on Livejournal. That’s life.

I’ve also enabled commenting on Dreamwidth. This is solely due to problems with OpenID comments on the WordPress blog on Dreamwidth’s end of things: it doesn’t seem to be able to handle the OpenID interaction with the Social Login plugin. I do encourage readers to comment on the WordPress blog. I’ve provided a lovely themed button at the bottom of each post to make that easy for you.

Note: At the present time, I’ve opted not to import my posts and comments from LJ. I’ve got the posts already imported into the WordPress blog, so I don’t need to do the import for backup reasons. As for the comments, I’ve been alerted to some concerns regarding ownership and accessibility of comments when they move from LJ to DW, so I’ll leave them at LJ for the time being. Note, however, that if LJ decides to change the meaning of “permanent” when they do their account change, then I may change this decision.

There will be some side effects of the WP-DW-LJ side of things. Primarily, I”m limited on icons at DW being a free account. Given that I’m embedding my icons in each post for WordPress, I’m just going to use the default icon and let the post itself provide the icon.

I’m still looking for plugins to improve the commenting form on WordPress, and to help me move those images hosted on Livejournal Scrapbook into my WordPress media gallery. Suggestions are welcome.

Now, to go and adjust all the clocks around the house…

This entry was originally posted on Observations Along The Road (on as this entry by cahwyguy. Although you can comment on DW, please make comments on original post at the Wordpress blog using the link below; you can sign in with your LJ, FB, or a myriad of other accounts. There are currently
comments on the Wordpress blog. PS: If you see share buttons above, note that they do not work outside of the Wordpress blog.

(Click Here to Comment)

P.S. This post is an auto crosspost of the version posted at, which itself is a crosspost of the version posted on California Highways (see link above). Please follow the provided link to comment on the original post -- you should be able to comment with almost any social network ID. Note: Due to OpenID problems at DW, I have enabled commenting at DW (and there are
comments there).

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