Mar 29, 2004 00:59
So I just got home from taking rachel home. Ok get this, its like 12:30, im tired so im doing a little bit of the ol' swerve mc fun move. I get pulled over. Now normally this would be no problem. But not for a hankins. You see, me and rachel had been watchin tv, and i was tired. When im tired, i sleep in my boxers, or in this case, nut supporting junk showing off boxer breifs. So i get pulled over. No big deal, i have nothing to worry about. But alas, i dont have my wallet. Not having any pants and all. So he dosent make a big deal outa that, he takes the regirstration, and runs his little check, and as we know, im clean. Then he asks me to take off my glasses, which i do. Then comes the finger check. As many of you know, im almost blind, so i can barley see his hand. I fail. He makes me get out of the car at 12:30, and do the whole drunk test in my boxers and a wife beater. Its fucking cold here also, because we are next to old river sod, where there is always fog. Oh well, he let me go because im not drunk. But this is the lesson for all of you kids; Always wear pants when you drive, or the police will envy your penis and make you do uneccesary tests!