Nov 17, 2004 20:55

curli372: your journal needs to be updated cause it keeps me interested
curli372: it hasnt been in like a month

This is for Andrew!!!

Well its been a LONG time since I wrote. I have been really busy lately. Um if i didnt say in my last journal... Sean is finally back!! We dont get to hang out much hes working when im not and im working when he isnt. But its all good we get to see each other a little. It seems we dont have, what we had before he left but at least we are still friends. The past weekend I went to visit ULL with Kelly and Stephanie we stayed the weekend at Kelly's aunt's house. It was fun getting to spend the weekend with them. My house is finally finished being build and I am "supposed" to be moving in the weekend but I been hearing that since the summer. Well to much has gone on and I dont really know how to fit everything together in here so I will try to update more often.

Oh yeah I went to the Rummel vs. Brother Martin game with Stephanie. It was a very good game. Chris even though yall didnt win, yall played a great game... hopefully if yall get to play Rummel again this weekend yall can win!!!!! Yall were sooooo close!!

ok thats all for now cause Ive been really confused lately and I cant think!
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