Mar 07, 2011 10:39
[At about 3AM this morning, Neji ever-so-eloquently threw up into his side drawer. But he did it with class and grace, god damn it. He then rolled over after slamming the stupid thing shut--he'd deal with it in the morning when the walls and floor weren't spinning.]
[Fastforward to around 7AM. It's time for school now. There's no way in hell Neji's going anywhere. Poor thing woke up in sweat-soaked bedsheets with a burning-hot forehead. Look at what you retards have done--you've made him sick!]
...Nngh... [rolls out of bed and stumbles towards his telephone, dialing the school] ...Lemme talk to Kakashi-sensei. =_=
fuck you school,
you are all losers