Where is the... self-love?

Apr 21, 2004 22:12

People are animals of fear.
The worst fear being a fear of being alone. We place so much importance on being  close to someone; to knowing them, yet our most important relationship is with ourselves.  So few people spend the time to get to truly value and love the themselves.
Just think about yourself...ask yourself if you love yourself as much as you want someone else to love you.
Often times we realize that we want someone else much more than we love ourselves.
We want them to be in awe of us, yet we rarely feel that way about ourselves.  We reside in a fantasy where it is fashionable for guys to pretend they are happy--where they pretend that muscles and perfect faces and money and friends but all of this is a distraction because they hate to be alone with themselves.  These things in and of themselves are not bad, as long as you can acknowledge your feelings towards yourself and strive to make yourself better for yourself. Am I making  any sense?
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