single again...

Apr 18, 2006 17:20

VixEverLasting: so last week shayla told me that she had heard rumors that matt was either cheating on me, or he wanted to. he denied it, and i pretty much thought he didnt, we were with each other all the time... so thursday night mandi called me, and i told her, and she was the only person besides matt that i told about what shayla told me.
HoMoKoKoMo: ok
HoMoKoKoMo: sooo..... was it true?
VixEverLasting: matt got pissed, said it made him look bad to people, said it just made him want to kill joe even more, cuz wed night joe was at my house and matt wanted to kill him. so matt got pissed and we kinda got into a fight, he said that this was how it always ended, the girls friends would say something becuase he was spending too much time with his girlfriend. and then they always break up...
VixEverLasting: i told him he wasnt dating my friends, and he said he had heard that before, and blah blah blah... so we agreed to drop it and just be happy.
HoMoKoKoMo: whoa
VixEverLasting: i dropped him off after we got some weed, and we hugged good-bye and kissed. the last words he said to me before this all happened were i love you and i'll call you after work
VixEverLasting: so friday i'm having a bonfire right?
HoMoKoKoMo: yes maam, a good one
VixEverLasting: matt corro wanted to talk to me, so i went over to his house. we were chilling for a while with some of his friends (baiba and jay) and made food and stuff. it was around 530 that i called matt
HoMoKoKoMo: ok
VixEverLasting: he was scheduled to work till 5 but since he wasnt going to go over 40 hours that week ( having only worked thursday and friday) he could stay late
VixEverLasting: so i called him and he didnt pick up
VixEverLasting: i sent him a text saying "call me when you get off work"
VixEverLasting: he called matt corro's house. i called him he didnt pick up, i called his house, he wasnt there. so i left. i went home and did shit waiting for a phone call, thinking he maybe went home for dinner, and went back to work or something..
HoMoKoKoMo: ok
VixEverLasting: he didnt call, so bonfire went on... had a damn good time
HoMoKoKoMo: yah i enjoyed myself
VixEverLasting: saturday i went over to his friend scott's house to talk to him...he was out of school and he didnt pick up his phone so i figured he was playing games and didnt want to go get the phone
VixEverLasting: so i went over.. he wasnt there, so jacky and i talked then went for a two hour drive
HoMoKoKoMo: lol
HoMoKoKoMo: sorry, i love driving..... go on
VixEverLasting: we got back and he was there, and matt corro was just getting there, so i'm like i shouldnt go up. jacky told me i was with her, so i should. it's her house too..
VixEverLasting: so i went up, matt didnt even look at me
HoMoKoKoMo: yikes
VixEverLasting: i went in the kitchen to talk to jacky, and then went out he was smoking with matt c. so i said "when yo're done with that bowl can i talk to you?" he said yes
VixEverLasting: finished the bowl lit a square and we went outside.
VixEverLasting: we were outside for at most two minutes.. he said that one weekend he had gone to a party with gockman (i knew about that part) and he had looked, he hadnt flirted, and he hadnt cheated, just looked... i got pissed (obviously) matt said " i dont think we should see each other"
VixEverLasting: i went home cried myself to sleep
HoMoKoKoMo: shit
VixEverLasting: sunday i called scott before i went to my grandma's and asked if i could talk to him, he said he was going to his mom's right then, but after i was at my grandma's yeah. so i got home at like 815, call him, he doesnt pick up, and go over. if matt's car was there, i was going to leave
VixEverLasting: matt's car wasnt there, so i went up... before i even knock on the door some chick opens the door and matt's right behind her... he comes out closes the door pulls me aside and goes, " why are you here" i said i came to talk to scott, he asked why, i said i needed to talk to someone and scott told me he'd talk to me... (he had a big cut on his nose, bigger than the one i had on mine) i asked him what happened he said he got in a fight last night and got headbutted.
VixEverLasting: then he told me to give him 30 minutes and he'd call me and he'd talk to me
VixEverLasting: and he promised
HoMoKoKoMo: damn....
VixEverLasting: so i drive around for 45 minutes and call him. he doesnt pick up. i called matt c and talked to him for a while and he said that matt had told him that he thought he was my first love (true) and that he wanted to talk to me about it.
HoMoKoKoMo is idle at 5:10:56 PM.
VixEverLasting: so i just went up to scotts thinking he was still there, and him and the girls were gone

Auto response from HoMoKoKoMo: I am away from my computer right now.

HoMoKoKoMo is no longer idle at 5:11:23 PM.
HoMoKoKoMo: whoa now
HoMoKoKoMo: so what happened?
VixEverLasting: so i talked to scott for a lil while and said if the only way i'll be able to get ten minutes with him is going to his work, then thats what i'll do...
VixEverLasting: scott then called matt and told him that, and matt called me after i left and said something along the lines of "you think yu're coming to my work, dont fucking think about it. i bitched at him for like five minutes non stop, and told him to call me when he grew up.
HoMoKoKoMo: whoa
VixEverLasting: yeah
HoMoKoKoMo: thats crazy
VixEverLasting: so basically i called my mom and bitched while driving for 15 minutes, i scared the crap out of her
HoMoKoKoMo: haha
HoMoKoKoMo: awesome
VixEverLasting: then went to matt c's house and bitched at him for a while
HoMoKoKoMo: yeah i figured that would happen too
HoMoKoKoMo: lol
VixEverLasting: saturday night i was crying myself to sleep, sunday night i was remembering good things, and being flooded by bad things
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