hello~~ ^____^
Name: Hannah
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hobbies: shopping, painting my nails, sleeping, reading, reading manga, watching anime, going on the computer, styling (usually braiding) people's hair (is this a hobby? o__o), traveling
Likes: fashion, designer labels, expensive handbags, romance, intelligence, pretty people, pretty things, japanese pens, bishounens (lol can i not...), stuffed animals, flowers (specifically peonies, hydrangeas, roses, magnolias, sakuras...), cute nail colors/art, healthy food
Dislikes: ants, bugs, fast food, liars, hypocrites (even though i can be one very often; hypocritical of me, i know),
Positive Traits: Tactful, warmheartedness, savviness, trustworthy, feminine, introspective, reliable, good at giving advice
Negative Traits: picky (my friends specifically say that 'my standards are way too high'), possessive, procrastinator, manipulative, easily jealous, irascible, aloof
What do you think is your best quality? Why?: I think my best quality would have to my be tact or my savviness (they kind of go hand-in-hand). I naturally choose my words carefully without trying very hard, and I'm not the kind of person to offend people with blunders (unless I'm purposely trying to offend someone, but in these cases my quips usually fly under the radar, so I end up laughing to myself). I'm also the type of person who easily takes advantage of good opportunities. I know and can sense when something advantageous will come my way, and I'm quick to latch onto it.
What do you think is your worst quality? Why?: I think I have two really bad qualities. My first terrible quality is that I have a terrible lack of self-confidence, inhibiting me from ever fully displaying my true self (in terms of clothing, personality, etc..) to others because I fear judgment... I never feel confident about my looks, and I always feel extremely subpar. Slightly linked to that, I am a perfectionist who holds her standards way too high. It's probably rooted in my deep idealism, but sometimes I'm just awfully unrealistic about the future. I always strive to be perfect and I always look for perfection in others. I almost never lower my standards and as a result, I'm often disappointed.
Describe yourself in 3 words: tactful, feminine, tsundere (I hate to admit...)
Food: fruit, frozen yogurt (i.e. pinkberry), sushi
Color: pink ^___^
Type of Songs: Kpop, instrumentals
Quote: I don't necessarily have a favorite. I've read many, but to be honest, quotes never really strike me as something that I should find memorable. I think I should strive to create my own stories, not live by the words of others.
this or that
Shy or Outgoing? shy with people who i'm unfamiliar or uncomfortable with, outgoing with the few who I feel understand me
Mature or Immature? Mature, usually, but I'm still young, so I have my bouts of immaturity.
Leader or Follower? usually a leader. I like to make sure things are running smoothly every time.
Calm or Emotional? At the core, I'm extremely emotional and sensitive. I cry very easily.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? I try to be an optimist, but sometimes I can't help but to see things pessimistically.
Calm or Hyper? Usually calm, with spurts of hyperness.
Favorite character & why: Mio, just because I feel like we're kind of similar.
Least favorite character & why: Ritsu because her personality kind of irritates me.
Character that you would want to be, even for just a day: Yui. Always optimistic, cheerful, and energetic. Or Mugi. Rich!!!
Favorite K-ON! song:
Do you have a character you disagree to be stamped as? Nope.
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