basics;; Name: Leah
Age: 17 ;3;
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Fashion, drawing, playing video games, photography
Likes: Frilly dresses, polaroids, cookies and cake, Victorian things and antiques! :D
Dislikes: Being called weird, people who never give you a chance, and eggs for some reason.
Positive Traits: I'm calm, responsible, fun loving, and I make good cake!
Negative Traits: I can be a buzzkill sometimes I'm a little too mature for my age, I'm a bit antisocial.
What do you think is your best quality? Why?: I'm amused by simple things. It's great because I always have a great time, no matter what.
What do you think is your worst quality? Why?: I judge people by their expressions. lol If someone looks at me with a mean face, I'll avoid them, even if they're nice to others.
Describe yourself in 3 words: childlike, girly, easily frightened
Food: Iced Green Tea Lattes from Starbucks! (If that doesn't count, I guess I like cake. haha)
Color: Pink! T
ype of Songs: Songs that incorporate classical instruments. Things that have a magical feel to them.
Quote: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" Oscar Wilde
this or that;;
Shy or Outgoing? Both. It really depends on my mood.
Mature or Immature? Again, both. I'm mature because I don't oogle boys and I'm overly responsible. But I 'm also very childlike with what I do and what I like.
Leader or Follower? Leader? I don't really even follow celebrities, but I'm not really leading anyone.
Calm or Emotional? Both, yet again. I put up a front actually. I try to be the 'cool type' but I'm pretty sensitive.
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic! There's always something good in every situation~
Calm or Hyper? Calm for the most part.
Favorite character & why: Mugi! She's so cute and classy. And you can never go wrong with Mugi vision. ♥
Least favorite character & why: I don't know... I don't think I don't like anyone.
Character that you would want to be, even for just a day: Yui! She's just so ditzy, I'm not, soooo... Why not? :D
Favorite K-ON! song: I really like Ritsu's stick song (LOL I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME). And My love is a stapler. I can't really choose my favorite.
Do you have a character you disagree to be stamped as? Nope.
HERE is a picture of me.
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