Yui and Ui are sisterly love C:

Jul 13, 2009 16:31

I can't resist these XD
Name: Danni
Age: 14
Stamped as: Yui XDDD But I have the funniest feeling I'm gonna get Mugi-voted ...

Describe you clothing preference/style/etc: Hmmm ... girly summer dresses or tops, but mainly slogan tees and my jeans (I live in jeans). I hate shorts but like reasonably lengthed skirts.
Pictures (minimum of 3, maximum of 5):

I've also got some manga portraits in my journal if they'd help :3

Anything Else?
Please ignore my hair. If I look like Mugi, say something like "you have her eyebrows" XDD Don't laugh! I was born thisw ay, it's not my fault T_T Edit: I just want to day I don't mind being stamped as Mugi, just not because of my hair ^_^

Applications that you've voted:
I. Fuwa
II. Fuwa
III. Time
The others weren't up - off to vote!

!theme: mirror, stamped:nodoka

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