( fandom student application )
AGE: 21
CONTACT: VelcroBirdy [aim] | bleachity@hotmail.com [msn] |
NAME: Haine Rammsteiner
CANON: DOGS: Bullets and Carnage
WikiAGE: 17 (canon age is speculated to be somewhere in his early 20's but is never stated)
ENROLLMENT: Wealthy Sponsor - details in history section
Haine was born with achromasia, more commonly known as albinism, leaving his skin pigmentless, hair white and his eyes red. He is of average height and looks as though he has missed a few crucial meals in his life. He is by no means awkward looking however, despite many factors working against him. If one wasn't already privy to his lacking social skills, you might find him suave at first glance.
In a sort of paradoxical facet of his personality, Haine is a very sharp dresser. As much as he tries to blend into the background (which, for one, is difficult when you're as white as the driven snow), he somehow manages to be showy in his clothing. Tending toward tighter fitting garments and leather jackets, chains and belts. Though most importantly he tends to wear clothing that covers as much skin as he can, due to his condition. Additional, individuals with albinism have poor eyesight, Haine, in a stroke of luck, has reasonable eyesight. He does own a pair of glasses but would much rather fumble through reading blurry letters out of a text book than actually wear them.
In his canon, Haine has a metal collar that is bolted into the base of his neck - it was meant to make the children of the Underground into super soldiers and left their Mother in total control of their behavior. In this reality, Haine lacks the collar - as it is pure science fiction. However the scar down his spine does exist, he doesn't remember how it happened, or why, as he received it as a child. But he suspects it came from one of the many fights that he instigated with other children.
Haine, to say the very least, is withdrawn. His emotional range is somewhat limited due to a stifled childhood, many emotions, many of those considered positive, were repressed for the sake of survival. He is prickly towards strangers, preferring to keep to the people he knows and "trusts" (trust being used with copious air quotes) and even then the way he treats those that one might label "friends" isn't very accommodating or sympathetic. He has a real sense of superiority, that somehow still manages to be self deprecating. He certainly has no moral superiority over the average individual, but frequently belittles others. Though when not on his high horse, legitimate attempts to socialize fall into two categories, to the point and matter of fact (usually full of closed ended questions and yes or no answers) and hilariously awkward. The former more common than the latter. It really depends on the individual he's speaking to.
He's skeptical and sarcastic, and generally uninterested in anything that doesn't directly demand his attention. Not under the guise of being "too cool for this" but simply because of his dark and nihilistic view of the world. The futility of being involved in the lives of others is something that was impressed upon him with the death of his sister - at least, this is what he tells himself. He is very capable of caring and understanding. In fact he is extremely nostalgic, while much of it is a rather morbid sense of nostalgia. He is, more often than not, caught up in his own thoughts, dusting off the skeletons in his closet that he will, for the rest of his life, allow to haunt him.
He's reluctant to talk about his past, preferring to ignore that portion of his life which have lead to some serious adjustment issues. Mostly involving the control of his anger and violent outbursts. He does his best to keep those controlled and isolated, as it's something he's ashamed of and isn't willing to talk about. It is him at his weakest, succumbing to his emotions and lashing out at others. Though his sense of superiority doesn't allow him to get any real help for his emotional damage, content to suffer in silence. He wouldn't have it any other way. He is doggedly determined. There cannot be business left unfinished, he ran away from so much of his past that he matured enough to not run away from his present. It is noble in theory, but he spends much of his time idle, content remain static in his position in life, rather than bettering himself. Most everything in his life is used as a distraction from his own thoughts.
Though the reality of his personality remains confined to what he allows himself to be. There is a dichotomy between what he thinks he is and what he really is.
In regards to his albinism, Haine pays very little attention to it. While certainly it makes him something of a spectacle in public, he has grown so accustomed to stares and odd questions that it hardly phases him, almost as though he no longer notices. It is not a source of any sort of self esteem issues at this point in his life, his self esteem issues from from somewhere else entirely. He spends much of his time indoors, for both medical safety reasons and the fact that there isn't too much to do outside that he's very interested in.
A year at Reims Academy has benefited Haine, despite what he might tell anyone who asks. He is slightly more social (as opposed to not social at all), and despite not being a very stellar student. While his future is certainly brighter, he probably won't see the light.
He's capable. Certainly no computer wiz, but can get what he needs to work, to work. Smart enough to filter, not smart enough to hack. Though he's not above hitting electronics when they stop doing what he wants them to do.
Haine Rammsteiner was born to a single mother, and promptly abandoned by her - an unfortunately common occurrence in the slum part of the city he was born into. He grew up in and out of foster homes, children's homes and living in the street (he was frequently a runaway case - social services had a difficult time placing him into a home, due to poor socialization and anger management issues). But mostly he lived hiding from modern society.
He grew up feeling perpetually outcast, due to points and stares from other children, but largely in part due to the fact that it seemed no one wanted to keep him. In their defense he was a hellish child, impossible to please or communicate with and had a knack for unprovoked violence. Many attempts had been made by Social Workers to deal with his anger issues, but to no real avail.
Though, a glimmer of hope for Haine's personality was found in a girl named Lily, who happened to be in one of the foster homes Haine was placed in. While Haine was still distant and difficult to read, he took a liking to this girl that he began to refer to as his sister. Lily was vibrant and energetic girl, she accepted Haine's piss poor personality and all of his other faults entirely. She embraced all of him. While their relationship was always a very strange one, Haine came out of his shell because of Lily. Though while playing together, Haine shoved her out of anger, causing Lily to hit her head, and later die in a hospital from cerebral hemorrhage.
With her death, Haine returned to his old ways. He blamed himself entirely for her death, though it was deemed a complete accident by authorities, and while it was the temper and maladjustment that caused her death, no further attempts were made to rehabilitate him. He was taken to grief counseling and both Social Workers and Foster Parent's alike tried their best to console him, he was just that - inconsolable.
He spent his early teens dodging juvenile detention facilities, usually for petty crimes stealing, vandalism, but as the years passed, his crimes became more serious, eventually culminating in a battery charge at the age of 14. He was put on probation and moved to another Children's Home, hoping that this home's religious background would somehow help him see the error of his ways.
At the home he met a much younger mute girl named Nill. Who became his first step towards a return normalcy, largely because she reminded him of his sister, and because of her own condition he found a kinship with her. He took it upon himself to take care of her in the home. Much like a younger sister she wanted him to be more involved in many aspects of her life, one of the most important was teaching him to communicate with her - she learned sign language to help her communicate, and right along with her Haine picked up the alphabet. Most of his time in the home was spent with Nill, and became extremely withdrawn when she was adopted.
It was this home for children that funded his enrollment. Hoping a structured schooling would help even his personality out, and to give him the chance to properly adjust to being a social creature, the people who took him in put up the money for him to attend Reims Academy when he was the right age to attend as a freshman in high school.
FILTER: Students
I give up on math class from this point on.
This is an official announcement.
Seriously. Fuck it.
I don't care how awesome you tell me triangles are and all the shit you can do with them.
It's a fucking triangle.
That said, I need someone to turn in my homework for the rest of the year. And do my homework for the rest of the year. So, first come first serve on that position.
He understood on a superficial, this-is-what-the-world-expects-of-you way that being here was good for him. That he'd be still living in that children's home for another year or so and he'd be on his own and he'd go back to living behind dumpsters taking under the table jobs, sleeping in pews of churches that didn't lock up at night.
He certainly wasn't ungrateful. It wasn't that he thought his time was better spent elsewhere. There really was no "elsewhere". That didn't trouble him, really. Living in a children's home watching the other kids get adopted didn't bother him. He was too old by the time he arrived there, no one wants a poorly adjusted 12 year old that glows in the dark. He didn't take it personally, he'd had enough "family life". He wouldn't have wanted him either. He fully intended to sit around until he was 18, and leave and continue doing what he had been doing. Hiding from the rest of the world. That worked for him. And being 12 years old and realizing this was perhaps the most sobering part of it all.
Some kids grow up fast. Haine was one of those kids.
But when the Bishop took him aside and told him what the home had done for him, and why they felt it was so important, Haine thought they missed the point. He wasn't worth fixing, he was always going to be the maladjusted kid with skeletons in the closet that didn't want to talk it out or grow up to be an upstanding member of society. His goals weren't that high. These people weren't really taking into consideration with what he wanted out of life.
Which came back to that this-is-what-the-world-expects-of-you obligation feeling, he knew going to school was good for him. He knew straightening out his crooked life was good for him. But he didn't really want to. It required work and personal introspection and quite honestly, fuck that.
So he went to class, sort of. He'd show up, sort of. He'd pay attention, sort of. There was always this feeling that he was wasting his time. What good was knowing European History? What good would that do when the minute he left this school he'd be out on the street again, as poor as he was before they shipped him off? It was like he was missing real life skills because someone told him algebra was more important.
But on the other hand, what did it hurt?
Yes. And I'd like to avoid the rabid wombats if at all possible.