i stole this from Heza XP
Meer Campbell, Gundam Seed Destiny: She's introduced as Lacus Clyne, and she really believes that she is Lacus t the first, but... she's a very sad person in the inside. She is so happy and glompy and bouncy, but, he's really crying in the inside for beign loved not for what' she ir, but for beign another one. I'm the same, i have a hard cover that's always happy in the outside...She just wanted to be loved for what she was, and the only one that could see the "real" Meer was Athrun. But she choosed the fake life instead of going with he to the archangel... to live with OMG TEH REAL LACUS! O_O (I would do the same xD, i'll never live with Lacus... she's EVIL)
Cagalli Yula Attha, Gundam Seed: Ok, she is the main base of my personality. Impulsive, strong, happy, a little tomboyish (i'm like that in my tastes, and i hang out with male friends the most) and feminish at the same time, but when i'm depressed, i turn into a potplant. i DO NOTHING, just cry and stay there, just as Cagalli in seed destiny. I can leave everything for the causes i think that are correct, just like she (leaving Athrun... *fangirl*)
I think that i love GS so much just because this two characters suits me too much...
Konata Izumi, Lucky Star: God, she's so nerd. I think that there's not so much people that can understand every joke in that series... (i should feel bad about this?) Is cosplayer too, and i love how she can put on the character (look at the cosplay cafe ep.), she also loves old mecha series, because of her dad, and remembers every single word of old commercials (like me). Plays online games, is a little lazy, she prefeers to watch Haruhi at TV instead of doing her homework and tryies to introduce her non-anime fans friends into the world of anime, using them a little to reach her purposes. She's a 18 years old kid. I'm a 24 yrs old kid.
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon: I)'ve always feel like she is. Since i was a child, i take her as a "model" to go. Again, she's strong, tomboyish and femenine at the same time, it's always alone, doesn't have too much friends (in the manga, just the girls and Motoki), she is very happy when is hanging out with them, but at the end of the day, she comes to an empty appartment, living by her own. It seems sad, but I always wanted to have friends like the other sailors, but no. I'm still alone. With a lot of acquitances, but alone after all (i just have my BF...) AND ALSO, i was almost 4 years in love of my first BF, and i searched him everywhere. Every boy had something alike to him. Hopefully, that was like 5 years ago xD.
Kallen Kozuki/Stadtfeldt, Code Geass: hum... again, strong, tomboyish, yadayada... But she's an Ace pilot, and will fight to the end for what she believes is just. She could have a very quiet life if she choosed her stadtfeldt lineage, but no. She used that surname just to hide her real intentions, looking like a soft manered and sicly girl that's always absent of class due to that. Nobody in Ashford knows of her double life. Her motto is: It's better to die with honor that live in disgrace. Her devotion for Zero/Lelouch also it's like i love, i'm devoted to my lover. I could die defending him. Just as she. But her ideals are bigger and most important than a simple relationship. Again, it's better die with honor... She's a dreamer. She wants a world where beign japanese wasn't a shame but an honorific way to be named. And she's fighting for it. Oh and i also love Ledouche ;_;
Noriko Takaya, Gunbuster: Hotblood should be her surname. An useless girl with the only merit of beign the daughter of a death in service captain of a spaceship that REALLY wanted to be a pilot, like her father. She doesn't have any piloting skills at the start, but she finishes beign one of the best pilots, by pure sweat, blood and tears. I can do whatever i want, even when i can't due my ton of sickness. I.e.: when i was 9, the school psychologist said that i would never learn to draw, or to cut straight or to do anything that implies fine detail, and also that i could never learn to ride a bike or to run because i have a lack of neurotransmisors that controls motricity. And by sweat, tears and blood, i've learn to draw, to ride bikes, to run without falling (i used to run with both legs at the same time when i was a kid LOL) and now i've learned to cut fabric! and also to cut wigs and do little details with paint and paper clay. TAKE THIS, SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST!!!
hnm, i think that i need to learn to pilot... the only not pilot of my list is Konata xD, Meer also haves her own Zaku Warrior (i have it... it's ugly as hell xD, Zakus are meant to be green ò_ó... but i bought it just because of that xD)