Episode 18. Naraku And Sesshomaru Join Forces
Kagome narrating about how Naraku tricked Kikyo into believing that Inuyasha betrayed and killed her.Inuyasha swears that he will find her killer and avenge her death. The next scene is where a band of outlaws, who had just raided a poor village, are riding through a land where demons supposedly come out at night. They see someone ahead and assume that it is merely a human and they start to attack. The man kills them all with one stroke of his arm. The man is Sesshomaru. Jaken walks up to him through the grass and congratulates his master on destroying the men so quickly. Sesshomaru throws his arm, that he used to defeat the men, on the ground. He had defeated a demon and had stolen it from him...
*For a tiny village, they had tons stored away*