My Take On The Next Four Years

Nov 06, 2008 23:56

I have not been even remotely excited about the "two major party" choices for candidates in years.  I believe the last 3 terms I have chosen a 3rd party presidential candidate.  Given that Here's what I envision for whats to come:

1.  The war will not end.  Which one you ask?  Any of them.  Our soldiers will remain in  Iraq and Afghanistan.  They may even take a side step into Iran as president elect Obama has not taken that off the table. The  Dems have controlled both houses Congress and have and they haven’t so muchas proposed a bill to take away funding for these illegal wars, nor voted to end them.

2. The economy will get much, much worse. Neither the democrats nor republicans have any idea what’s causing the current recession. They are hopeless Keynesians who believe that all they need to do is spend money and the economy will magically revive itself. Ironically enough, they throw in token monetarism, too, and talk about how they need to keep interest rates low…for liquidity. Apparently there aren’t enough dollars out there on the market. Sorry, guys, that’s not the issue. So, they will introduce a whole lot more government programs we can’t afford. They won’t increase taxes on anyone but big business and “the rich,” so the national debt will get worse.

3. The dollar will die. I don’t predict hyperinflation, but I know of people who have. At least there will be 20% inflation. With the money-printing presses running full speed to come up with $1 Trillion for the bailout they passed, combined with low interest rates. If the Fed wants to increase the amount of money on the market, it can do two things: sell T-bills and lower interest rates) will flood the market with dollars. If you want to prevent this, start burning cash. But wait, you can’t. That’s illegal.

4. Likely nationalization of health care and state universities.  With 2/3rds of every health care dollar already spent by the federal government, they might as well just go ahead and spend the other 1/3rd. I mean, come on, who cares? At least then people would stop blaming the free-market for making health care so expensive. Trust me, we left free market medicine in the dust years ago.

5. National Service. Obama has come out for this. For some reason, he thinks it’s a good idea. Ironically enough, the US would get national service after many countries (like Germany, for example) have made theirs optional. I care about this because I sure as hell don’t  want any future sons I may have pressed into two years of mandatory slavery.

6. The War on Drugs will continue, unabated. I don’t see any reductions in penalties or even the decriminalization of marijuana on a national level.

There are probably other things that I could predict. But to be fair, things would still be bad even if McCain had been elected president. The Dems still would have controlled both houses by a good margin and I doubt McCain would have stood much in there way. When’s the last time he actually stood up for freedom and free markets? Knowing that others believed we actually had a choice in this election makes me wonder if I'm the one with delusive faith or they are.

I had a dream Friday night that I wanted to expatriate.  I wonder why?


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