Sep 30, 2009 18:39
The holiday time has come to a close ( for this holiday) and work starts again tomorrow.
I did however have an awesome birthday, the tuesday night was full of much drinking, silliness and filthy conversation.
It was excellent to see the visiting americans once more as well and it was also quite nice to have people around the house.
Friday was a busy day with airport crossings and the like, with the wee irish one arriving. Now to be known as Ickle Crazy Kitten Loves Evil ( because she is quite ickle).
Friday pub was good, I'd have liked to have been awake and able to stay longer but was defeated by the 3am start to get the americans to the airport.
The rest of the weekend was also good, some quite deep chat occurred which was needed and some filling in the blanks occurred. It's always nice to get to know people better.
Last night I ran Mage, which will be one of the last games I run, I think my spell as an ST is over and done with for a good while unless I'm running something with just a few people.
Today has been lazing and soon will be sinking into a bath and tomorrow alas is back to work.
Thank you all once again and remember that you are excellent people/persons/entities and indeed things.