Feb 18, 2004 00:56
Happy Late Birthday Nikki!!
I felt a need to update just now, I'm not really sure why.
I'm in the process of looking for a new job. If anyone knows of anywhere that is hiring, could you please let me know?
I can't stand working somewhere, feeling like I can only trust a couple people. I can't tell anyone (with a few exceptions) anything without everyone from my store and the new store finding out. That and I need to try and find somewhere that pays a little better so I can get a car and try to move out. I think I need to get away from my house. That would be a good time indeed.
I just got off the phone with Arjay. I know we've only been together for a short time, but I love him. I really do. He makes me feel so good and he treats me so well. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm not used to being treated like this. No one has ever treated me this way. Ryan and I were together for a long time and he did treat me good, sometimes. Most of the time I felt like I was being lied to. I could never figure it out. I felt like he was always playing some sort of game. I never knew what he was really thinking. I couldn't just ask him something and get a straight answer. No matter what, I was always stressed, always trying to figure something out. Always trying to be what he wanted me to be, even though I never really figured out what that was. I feel...free now. I don't know how else to explain it. I feel good when I'm with Arjay. He does what he wants, and I do what I want. We don't really base anything on what the other might think of it. I feel like I can finally be myself. And it feels good. Really good. I start to grin like an idiot just thinking about him. I can't help it. I love him.
For Valentine's Day he paid for me to get my nipples pierced. It was great. Tarah and John went with us, so now John has seen my boobs too. Arjay was all "I just realized that I'm paying some guy to touch your boobs...that's not cool." I thought it was pretty funny. He made me think that it was going to hurt really bad, since apparently his did. But really, it felt just like the rest of my piercings. Which really didn't hurt at all. Just a pinch and it was over. After that we went to get his other wrist pierced. (He now has a surface piercing on the outside of each wrist.) I guess it hurts more for guys to get their nipples pierced because there was a guy (he goes to school with us) getting his done and I thought he was going to pass out. He was so pale and he had tears in his eyes. His girlfriend showed up after he got it done and I had to tell her that he almost cried because she didn't believe him. That was funny.
I just realized how long this post is and I should probably go to bed soon so I can go look for a new job tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.