Brief instant reaction of sorts to 4.04

Oct 10, 2008 01:47

See this?

This was used in 4.04 as a transition shot. Not only are the SPOTLIGHTS front, center and undeniable when elsewhere in the episode they are not, the lisence plate is good old KAZ 2Y5.

That's because this transition shot was originally used in episode 2.03 Bloodlust in the "Back in Black" Impala Rebirth Glory montage. That's where the screen cap is from, thanks to

I'm all for the re-use of transition shots. They did it all through Season 3, and I'm sure it's a great way to save on the budget. Until now, they've been re-using the more distant shots, so the poor, lost-to-us true Metallicar license plate and the non-horrifically amputated SPOTLIGHTS are not as easy to see.

This time? Oh, it's deliberate. The spotlights and lisence plate were front and center. This is Kripke taunting us. Bastard! Just because I sent you a copy of that poster this summer is no reason to get snide, mister. :-P

spotlights, blithering, reaction

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