Title: The Sticking Place
Warnings: MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR 3X16. Do not read this if you have not seen the episode, it will make even less sense. NOT HUMOR AND I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH.
Word Count: 200-ish words
Disclaimer: If I owned them, it would be Season 4 right now.
Rating: GEN, PG13+ for gore references
Characters: Other and Dean
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Yes! I'm so glad that came across. I worried about this being misunderstood. Things often seem really clear to me, but then no one else sees them. :-/
What niggles at me a little is that Dean's *dressed* in Hell, but not in all of his layers.
I think it's a CW issue, primarily, but meta-able as some remnant of Dean's humanity or his personal armor of snark and attitude. Still it's possible to make someone look naked on screen without actually showing anything (Ash). However, it, er, would have been tough in that position. I didn't think he had his boots, though. I thought I saw toes. Also, it would be a very Kripke thing to do to give a large percentage of fans what they want, (Dean naked) but in the worst way possible (he's in Hell, hanging from meathooks).
I'm avoiding 3.16 fic because it'll get me all depressed, and I'm trying to be the Little Bunny of Good Cheer. But for you, okay. :) (It helped that it's short. I figured 220 words couldn't depress me THAT much.)
I know, and once my plot-bunnies stop being traumatized I intend to do the same. This though, I think of as hopeful in a weird way, because it's Dean not giving up, and clinging to his connection to Sam.
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