Apr 09, 2017 16:56

I've always said I'd stick with Livejournal until it dies, but the limit has now been reached. So, unfortunately, over the next long while I will be transferring my primary journal activities to my Dreamwidth fractured mirror.

You're all welcome to follow me on there, but I won't be friending back (or whatever they call it) for a long while until I can figure out how to reinstate the filters on some filtered posts. Right now everything is far too exposed over there. This will be a very rocky process.

I'm also looking for:
-Clear simple instructions on how to download and backup the stuff I have in Livejournal's Scrapbook, along with its folder structuring.
-An image hosting service that's cheap/free and reliable and offers at least 2gb of space.
-Places on Dreamwidth to find fandom communities there.

I'm sure more things will crop up as this process gets underway.

If I manage to write anything during this period, it will be posted to my AO3 account I do have a semi-active tumblr that I'm currently reblogging a lot of Merlin and random things on, and very rarely posting anything myself.

fudgepuddles!!!, mutual badass support society, omgwtf, reality is incompatible with sanity, meepings from the tax level of hell, ao3, i am canadian, i'll get around to procrastinating later, i'm a hazard to myself, wtf, watch out i have a list, why do i even bother?, random, lj, arg, grr, life, barricades and catapults

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