I've always said I'd stick with Livejournal until it dies, but the limit has now been reached. So, unfortunately, over the next long while I will be transferring my primary journal activities to my Dreamwidth fractured mirror.
You're all welcome to follow me on there, but I won't be friending back (or whatever they call it) for a long while until I can figure out how to reinstate the filters on some filtered posts. Right now everything is far too exposed over there. This will be a very rocky process.
I'm also looking for
-Clear simple instructions on how to download and backup the stuff I have in Livejournal's Scrapbook, along with its folder structuring.
-An image hosting service that's cheap/free and reliable and offers at least 2gb of space.
-Places on Dreamwidth to find fandom communities there.
I'm sure more things will crop up as this process gets underway.
If I manage to write anything during this period, it will be posted to my
AO3 account I do have a
semi-active tumblr that I'm currently reblogging a lot of Merlin and random things on, and very rarely posting anything myself.