News of the Nifty: Hello Pluto! ♥

Jul 15, 2015 11:12

So a little probe flew past Pluto yesterday and is sending back data and pictures of a cute pinkish planet (which conveniently was passed at an angle that made some geographic features look a bit like a giant cartoon heart) that, even if it's not officially a planet anymore is still like the Ambassador of the Kuiper Belt or even the Solar System's adorable kid-planet sidekick or mascot *handwave*.

Why, what does it all mean, what's it good for and what happens next? Here is a one on one interview YouTube channel SciShow did yesterday with one of the New Horizons mission scientists while they were waiting for the signal to come back to give a more detailed idea.
[Video embed under cut]

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and if scientific detail given by a scientist who's really excited to be doing his job isn't your thing, there's also this parody acapella cover of Uptown Funk about the New Horizons mission which has some info about the probe itself, presented with a catchy pop tune.

space exploration, i am a raving nutbag, nasa, news of the nifty, video, omgyay, science!

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