News of the Nifty: Sherlock is going to Mars in 2020

Aug 01, 2014 08:55

I just found this out and emitted a sharp high-pitched squeak of a kind I have never emitted before.

NASA has announced that their new Mars Rover heading for Mars in 2020 is to be called SHERLOCK. Well, S.H.E.R.L.O.C. really, for "Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals", but the intent is there. I guess they couldn't add a "Kinetically" on the end there because that probably wouldn't be scientifically accurate and this is after all, serious science bizniz. *nods sagely*

There's also something in the diagram labeled "MOXIE" and I don't know what that is or does, but it seems appropriate for Sherlock to have a heart of moxie.

sherlock holmes, nasa, news of the nifty, omgyay

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