Just testing out the 'cut' thing, I think I know how to do it.
Only click here if you're so bored your head is about to explode because there's nothing interesting through here.
You're that bored? Aw. Poor you! I've been inordinately productive this weekend. It's alarming me actually. I published fic, (still just on ff.net but the day of simulposting is nigh. I assembled a shelf, cleaned the house, and am going through the 2 plus megs of raw textfiles I have of mixed up notes for the umpty-jillion fics I seem to have on the go and sorting out the contents of 76 individual text files into ten or twelve categories. I was going to marathon watch the DVD this weekend, but will be doing a pick and choose review run up to the premiere instead, because I would have gone insane if I hadn't got that fic and the other stuff done before work. It's bad enough that I won't likely be able to even start posting the follow-up to Devil's Trap I've been trying to get to all summer before the premiere. Arg. Anyway, that's enough babbling out of me to test the lj-cut thing...
So we'll see if that works and then look into the rest of the technical stuff.