Reaction: The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey

Dec 21, 2012 02:51

I have seen the Hobbit.

[Simple non-spoiler reaction.]Yes.

[More detailed reaction which DOES contain spoilers and details from the movie, and randomness.]

Fair warning; I saw it tonight after working all day and it is now quarter to three, so comprehensibility? Pfffft.

I had to go see it before I go to see it with my relatives (which should be... interesting) just because if I was going to flail like a moron and make embarrassing noises and scrawl incomprehensible notes in a little notebook in the dark, I was going to either do it with people who understood, or in a room full of complete strangers. Sadly, the 'people who understand' option which I would have by far preferred was unachievable, so it was the room full of strangers. (Another time, though?)

I spent most of the time literally *chin-hands* *sparkle-eyes* at the screen. I don't know which 3D version we have in town, but I suspect it was the downgrade because it didn't give me any more issues than 3D usually does, and the only theatre in town is notoriously crap. Also, the seats in the theatre are evil murderous things, and a few people got up from different sections of the theatre and sat along the back wall instead. This was the second 20-minute delay secondary theatre showing for overflow from the main showing and for people arriving late, so it wasn't fully packed.

When it ended, I would have sworn less than an hour had gone by. Except for the evil seat which was evil for weeks during that time.

I always want to go camping after watching a Lord of the Rings movie. It's all the backpacks and running around in the woods.

I read the book ages ago, so my memory is fuzzy, but it seemed to be sticking super close to the book, and the added in bits from the appendices and Silmarillion fit well enough into it that it wasn't obvious to me which were not from the book, except by thinking afterward. I need to read the book again, once I find my copy.

I really need to put my old Hobbit posters back up. I intended to before the Hobbit hit theatres, but real life bad things and work sidetracked me most of this year.

This is going to be random, particularly because I keep having to stop typing and wave my fists in the air and shout things. Character names, mainly, but sometimes high-speed babbled realizations of scenes and developments that will be forthcoming in the next two movies from what I know of the book. You'll notice this random shouting here too.

Right from the start, it got me. Like right from the start. Before the music started. The first title hit the screen in that font, and that was it. Glasses-fogging eye moisture.

Some scrawly notes denoting miscellaneous moments:

-The art of Martin as Bilbo! \o/


-O HAI SMAUG! \o/ I should not bee grinning helplessly as a dragon decimates a city full of people but I just can't help it.

-Elf on an elk! Don't know why, but it made me laugh.

-When the Dwarves start showing up, I think I heard someone in the audience say "SHOTS!"

-Martin Freeman seems to somehow just exude badass in these earthy roles, Bilbo and John Watson. Even when Bilbo is insisting on being left alone and not wanting to go on any adventures, he's still got an indefinable element of badass about it. I do not know how he does it. He also has a wonderfully mobile and expressive nose. His face too of course, but the nose is amazing.

-Bilbo said "Not the jam!" Heeee!

-I like the cable-knit geeky dwarf. I missed his name. He uses a slingshot.



-Kili, with the bow and arrows, being a heroic doof and standing there alone shooting at wargs while everyone else is escaping down the hole and Thorin having to yell at him to get him to escape too. Aw.

-I forgot how awesome LOTR scenery porn is. Mountains! Fields of trees and rocks! Rolling hills of weird tufty things! Even if half of the shots of them al walking around in it are CGI (and I don't think many of them are) it must have been amazing to just be filming and working out in landscapes like that.

-Saruman: *blah blah blah* Gandalf and Galadriel: *having smirky mental conversations and ignoring him* Heee. Maybe if you paid more attention to him he wouldn't have gone evil 60 years from now.

-Is it just me or did it seem like maybe there was a hint that at some point in time, Gandalf and Galadriel might have had a... 'thing'. You know. Or maybe Gandalf's got a crush and Galadriel's got a wizard-puppy. The subtext was jumping out further than the 3D once in a while. Just saying. *shrug*

-The riddle scene with Gollum! *flailflailflail* THE CANON IS EVERYWHERE! \o/

-That defending downed Thorin bit. Whoaaa! Further proof Bilbo is an epic-level badass concentrated into a three-foot-tall package. \o/

-EAGLES! \o/ Who drop them all off on a really tall rock and are like 'deal with it', but that's fine too.


-"Surely the worst is behind us now," says Bilbo near the end. The whole theatre snorted in unison, and I heard at least one person say "Wait for it." Yeah. Bilbo's life's not getting boring any time soon.


And that's all I have for notes because as I said, *chin-hands* *sparkle-eyes*

So, right now I'm a little floaty with vague crack-laden ideas involving the Hobbit (like the village of Gauls in Asterix is actually a village of displaced dwarves and Bombur is Obelisk's relation of some kind, and a vague vid idea I'm incapable of doing involving "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums" and Thorin and company fighting things and Bilbo being reluctant and things like that while they kind of sort of think he shouldn't be there or they try to protect him. *handwave*) most of which will not ever see the light of day.

It is a bit slow in spots compared to other movies these days, but the detail is simply decadent. I know for a fact I'll be seeing it at least twice more in the theatres, probably more if I can somehow. I saw all three LOTR movies at least three times in theatre as well, mostly on the cheaper re-runs through the theatre months later, and have long since lost track of the re-watching of the series on DVD. Lord of the Rings is the reason I got a DVD player back in 2002.

Now please excuse me, I have a soundtrack to buy off iTunes. Which has the actual version of Misty Mountains with the cast singing. So I must now scream "YES!" several times very quietly at my monitor so I don't wake the entire building.

[PS: Star Trek trailer]
PS: Star Trek trailer

Screw the Federation. After the voice-over in that trailer, I'm rooting for Benedict Cumberbatch.

reaction, star trek, lotr, hobbit

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